EMDAIR 3: Third Call for Proposals EAISI Exploratory Multidisciplinary AI Research Program |
Website | https://www.tue.nl/en/research/institutes/eindhoven-artificial-intelligence-systems-institute/ai-research/eaisi-emdair-program |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=emdair3 |
EAISI stimulates exploratory multidisciplinary AI research. One of the actions we undertake to reach this goal is to organize internal TU/e calls for research proposals, where a team of TU/e AI researchers can apply for the funding of PhD projects. The EAISI Exploratory Multidisciplinary AI Research (EMDAIR) program is one of the building blocks of the execution of the TU/e Artificial Intelligence Scientific Roadmap.
The program focuses on funding high-impact/high-risk projects, i.e., projects that have a high value if they are successful where we accept an associated potentially higher risk that they will not be successful. As such these projects tend to have the property that it is harder to find funding in any of the other ways that are available (national, European, industrial).
All detailed information can be found here:
- Download: EMDAIR 3 CFP and Guidelines
- Download: EMDAIR 3 Application Form for Phase 1
- Download: EAISI Scientific Roadmap