IJHSS 2023: CFP for The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies |
Journal website | https://hs-studies.com/about-the-journal/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ijhss2023 |
Submission deadline | January 30, 2024 |
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies (IJHSS) is a trimestrial, peer-reviewed journal that is open access. Its main objective is to promote interdisciplinary research within the areas of humanities and social sciences. The journal actively invites contributions from scholars, academics, and researchers from diverse global backgrounds, encouraging them to share their research discoveries, insights, challenges, and problem-solving strategies. The journal enthusiastically welcomes original work: articles, surveys, book reviews, systematic reviews spanning the entire spectrum of humanities and social sciences, originating from around the globe. The scope of the IJHSS journal extends to include a wide array of scholarly disciplines, including but not limited to:
- Arts and literature;
- Applied linguistics and translation studies;
- Digital Humanities;
- Education and Pedagogy in the HSS;
- Media studies and visual culture;
- Internationalization of higher education;
- Management and human interactions;
- Sustainable development and green practices;
- Marketing and consumer behavior;
- Economics, logistics and territory studies;
- Sociology, and Human/social psychology,Etc.
Submission Guidelines
- Manuscripts should have a word count between 5,500 and 7,000 words, inclusive of the title, abstract, author information, affiliations, email, and a brief bio (provided on a separate title page).
- Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format as specified in the online submission guidelines.
- Follow APA style guidelines for formatting.
- Ensure Times New Roman font, size 14 for the title, size 12 for authors and affiliations (bold), size 11 for abstract, and size 9 for footnotes and quotes exceeding 40 words.
- Maintain single spacing, with margins of 2.5 cm at the top, bottom, left, and right of the page.
- Use bold for titles and subtitles, with numbering (1, 1.1, etc.).
- Justify the text with no hyphenation.
- Number figures, charts, pictures, tables, and maps in ascending order, with titles and numbers placed above tables and below figures, pictures, and maps.
- List abbreviations and acronyms before the bibliography.
- Include the author’s name, publication date, and page number for all citations.
- Insert in-text citations in the format (author name, date, page number).
- Translate quotations in foreign languages into the article’s language, specifying if the translation is author-generated or attributed to another source.
- Italicize examples in the text.
- Quotations under 40 words should be enclosed in quotation marks and placed within the body of the text, with punctuation outside the quotation marks.
- Quotations exceeding 40 words should be indented, without quotation marks, and not indented in relation to the body of the text (left-aligned with 4-point spacing at the top and bottom of the quote).
Submission can be done online via the platform of the journal https://hs-studies.com/login/ of via email : ijhsstudies@gmail.com
Editorial Board
Submission can be done online via the platform of the journal https://hs-studies.com/login/ of via email : ijhsstudies@gmail.com