ICACCS 2024: 2024 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems Sri Eshwar College of Engineering Coimbatore, India, March 14-15, 2024 |
Conference website | https://icaccs.sece.ac.in/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icaccs2024 |
Submission deadline | February 10, 2024 |
Welcome to ICACCS 2024
2024 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) addresses the rapid strides and technological advancements currently witnessed in the fields of Computer Science, Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering. The conference aspires to exhibit the technical excellence of budding technocrats, research scholars, representatives from the academia and industry. This conference aims to bring together the best of globally renowned research professionals.
Scope of the Conference
2024 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) aims at exploring the interface between the industry and real time environment with state-of-the-art techniques. ICACCS 2024 publishes original and timely research papers and survey articles in current areas of sustainable energy, smart city, temperature, power and environment related research areas of current importance to readers. All accepted and registered papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore (Approved) .
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
Track 1
Computational Intelligence and Information Systems (CIIS)
- Computational intelligence solutions for Mobile and Pervasive Computing
- Computational intelligence in mobile-cloud based computing for social network recommendation services
- Big data analytics for community activity prediction, management, and decision-making
- Fuzzy system theory in and recommender systems
- Social data analytical approaches using computational methods
- Deep learning and machine learning algorithms for efficient indexing and retrieval in multimedia recommendation systems
- Intelligent techniques for smart surveillance and security
- Modeling, data mining, and public opinion analysis
- Crowd computing-assisted access control and digital rights management
- Evolutionary algorithms for data analysis and recommendations
- Intelligence and computing paradigms for sentimental analysis and recommendation
- Applied soft computing for content security, vulnerability and forensics
- Computational intelligence in multimedia computing and context-aware recommendation
- Scalable, incremental learning and understanding virtual reality community
- Intelligence-assisted ubiquitous, personal, and mobile social media applications
- Artificial intelligence and pattern recognition technologies for recommendation in healthcare
- Deep learning and computational intelligence based medical data analysis for recommendation and smart healthcare services
Track 2
Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISCS)
- Wireless, optical, and hybrid communications and networking
- Full-duplex, massive MIMO, mm-wave, and THz communications
- Spectrum access and sharing
- Integrated sensing, communication, and computational systems
- Spectrum sensing
- Wideband compressive sensing
- Machine learning and Deep learning
- Cyber-physical systems and hardware-controlled secured communications
- Dynamic-data-enabled communication systems through sensing and machine learning
- Quantum communication systems
- Signal and pattern extraction from massive spatiotemporal data
- Signal processing for new applications enabled by fat data pipes, virtual reality, telepresence, enhanced reality
- Sensing and Sensor Data Fusion, Motion Control and Intelligent Actuators
Track 3
Intelligent Informatics and Sustainable Systems (IISS)
- Informatics Control, Flexible Arm Control, Perception and Recognition, Reasoning and Learning
- Robotic Systems, Human-Robotic Interaction, Service Robots, Surgery Robots and Machine Vision
- Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Production Planning and Scheduling, System Simulation, Rapid Prototyping, Concurrent Engineering and Virtual Reality
- The Web, Business & Digital Culture, Databases, Design & Graphics, Digital Audio, Video and Photography, Hardware, Home & Office
- Networking & Sys Admin, Operating Systems, programming, Science & Math, Security Software Engineering, Healthcare Informatics, Teaching Informatics, Informatics in education process.
All accepted and registered papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore (Approved) .
The conference will be held in Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Kondampatti (po), Vadasithur (Via), Kinathukkadavu, Coimbatore-641 202, TamilNadu, INDIA.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
Conference Chair – ICACCS 2024,
Conference E-Mail: icaccs@sece.ac.in