MIGGS1: 1st symposium on Methods for Interfacing with Graphs of Genomic Sequences Université de Lille Lille, France, September 23, 2024 |
Conference website | https://miggs.mathnum.inrae.fr/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=miggs1 |
Abstract registration deadline | July 19, 2024 |
Submission deadline | July 19, 2024 |
Symposium: Methods for Interfacing with Graphs of Genomic Sequences (MIGGS) - Lille - September 23, 2024
In a context marked by an exponential increase in genomic data as well as significant advances in genome assembly, the MIGGS symposium aims to explore recent advancements and methodological challenges associated with pangenomics, graph visualization, and the biological use of pangenome graphs. This interdisciplinary meeting aims to bring together researchers, developers, and users in the field of pangenomics to foster discussions on innovations in the field, data visualization approaches, and biological applications of pangenome graphs.
We invite contributors to submit abstracts on the following topics (but not limited to):
Methodologies and tools for visualizing pangenome graphs
Approaches for annotating and interacting with pangenomic data
Biological and medical applications of pangenome graphs
Algorithmic and software solutions in pangenomics
Recent advances in prokaryotic and eukaryotic pangenomics
Submissions are expected in the form of abstracts (maximum 300 words) for oral presentations.
Interns and PhD students are encouraged to respond to this call for communication.
Submission deadline: July 19, 2024
Proposals should be submitted via EasyChair, including the presentation title, authors' names, affiliations, and an abstract (1 page maximum, no template).
Call for Participation
The symposium Methods for Interfacing with Graphs of Genomic Sequences (MIGGS) welcomes participants from various backgrounds interested in the latest advances in pangenomics and the associated challenges of managing, analyzing, and visualizing massive genomic data. This event represents an opportunity for interaction between researchers, developers, and users, featuring a program that includes invited talks and presentations selected from abstracts. The workshop will bring together experts in methodologies (data structures, graphs, visualization/UI, applied mathematics) and will propose an interdisciplinary dialogue with potential users (bioinformaticians, genomics researchers, biologists).
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Zamin Iqbal, European Bioinformatics Institute - EMBL, TBA
Alexandra Calteau, LABGeM, Genoscope Evry, TBA
Registering deadline: September 2nd, 2024
Organization Committee : Camille Marchet, CRIStAL CNRS, Univ. Lille ; Guillaume Gautreau, MaIAGE INRAE ; Thomas Derrien, IGDR CNRS, Univ Rennes
All questions about submissions should be emailed to : camille.marchet@univ-lille.fr , guillaume.gautreau@inrae.fr and thomas.derrien@univ-rennes1.fr