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The Effect of Meshing on the Performance of the Dynamic Fluid Computational Model Results of the Tiu Suntuk Dam Spillway

EasyChair Preprint 13847

9 pagesDate: July 8, 2024


The Tiu Suntuk Dam spillway is designed with a side spillway type with a sky jump type. To obtain appropriate and feasible spillway construction in accordance with the technical aspects, especially the hydraulic aspects that have been analyzed, it is necessary to simulate the hydraulic behavior. Numerical simulation of dam spillway hydraulics using ANSYS CFD Fluent software. It is hoped that this numerical simulation will be able to simplify the existing hydraulic model. The basis for calibrating the results of this numerical simulation is based on the results of model tests that have been carried out where the numerical simulation is influenced by the type of mesh and the quality of the meshing in the computer software. From this simulation data was obtained in the form of flow velocity, water level height and pressure coefficient which had an error percentage level of <10%. The better the mesh quality, the lower the error percentage, but this will affect the length of the simulation running process or not.

Keyphrases: Numerik, Spillway, hidrolika

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Agus Kaspun Nuri and Junaidi Idi and Yusron Saadi and I Wayan Yasa},
  title     = {The Effect of Meshing on the Performance of the Dynamic Fluid Computational Model Results of the Tiu Suntuk Dam Spillway},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 13847},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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