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Physical and Operational Redesign of Urban Rondabout in Lima

EasyChair Preprint 4344

8 pagesDate: October 10, 2020


In this article, we present a proposal for the physical redesign of an existing roundabout, with five interior lanes; to a new design called a turbo roundabout; widely tested in European cities. The result of the proposal will demonstrate mathematically, the optimization in the operation and the level of security of the infrastructure; through the microscopic simulation of the traffic developed in the facilities of the University carried out in the Vissim 9 software. To achieve this rethinking, the Roundabout Manual: application and design was used. The methodology used in this research was developed in this Manual, of European origin; which proposes: a) collection of vehicular traffic information in the study area, b) processing of the data obtained to carry out the geometric design of the roundabout, and c) comparison between service levels (LOS) and effectiveness measures (MOE) of roundabouts in current situation versus proposal. The compared results were: a) the distances traveled by vehicles crossing the turbo roundabout, on average 38.79 meters/vehicles were reduced compared to the multi-lane roundabout; b) travel times, on average, were also reduced by 83.26 seconds/vehicle;
and c) as a result, an improvement in LOS from F to C was obtained.

Keyphrases: Vehicular Congestion, points of conflict., road safety, traffic accident, turbo-roundabouts

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Fernando Mauricio Tarquino Torres and Jorge Yauyo Baltazar and Daniela Perez Vargas},
  title     = {Physical and Operational Redesign of Urban Rondabout in Lima},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 4344},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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