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Analysis of Procedures and Requirements to Export Red Roses from Ecuador to Panama Taking into Account the Different Existing Customs Regimes.

EasyChair Preprint 10514

16 pagesDate: July 8, 2023


The flower trade industry is one of the most active productive sectors in Ecuador, this being one of its main sources of exports and recipients of profits for the country, giving them all kinds of recognition worldwide for their production of high quality flowers, to give hemselves this type of exports must go through different customs regimes both in the exporting and importing countries, it is also important to take into account that these requirements and procedures may vary depending on the quantity, the nature of the product and the customs regime selected even more when it is about exporting to other countries such as Panama.


Panama is one of the most important world markets for Ecuadorian imports since they have commercial relations that have established a free trade agreement promoting the exchange of goods and services between both countries. For this reason, the requirements and regulations established by the Panamanian government and the customs authorities must be met, which are important to take into account for the correct management of the estate.


Therefore, the analysis of procedures and requirements to export red roses from Ecuador to Panama is a complex process that requires detailed knowledge of the customs rules and regulations of both countries. It is important to pay attention to the particularities of each export modality and each customs regime, in order to ensure a successful and efficient export.

Keyphrases: Regulaciones aduaneras, normativas fitosanitarias, regímenes aduaneros, requisitos logísticos y de embalaje.

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Nestor Leonardo Plaza Rodas},
  title     = {Analysis of Procedures and Requirements to Export Red Roses from Ecuador to Panama Taking into Account the Different Existing Customs Regimes.},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 10514},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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