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Heat resistant electronic modules for intelligent medical sterile containers

4 pagesPublished: June 13, 2017


The digitalisation gets more and more important in our daily life. Also in medical technology instruments and devices need to become intelligent and be able to both collect and provide additional data. This research is about the development of an electronic sensor system for sterilisable medical containers. Hereby just a few concepts exist to equip the containers with sensor modules but the high temperature of 135 °C during the sterilisation is still a big challenge.
The objective for this research is to find a heat resistant insulation for an electronic system with a power supply, sensors for both sterilisation and transport and a low power communication module. Furthermore, the thermal energy of the sterilisation shall be used for powering up the system.
In a first step an epoxy resin was used to insulate the electronics and a high temperature battery. By using the temperature sensor of a Bluetooth module the module temperature could be measured during multiple steam sterilisations. Following, a partly insulated thermoelectric generator shall be used to get energy by the achieved temperature difference.
First results show that the used epoxy resin limits the temperature to 81 °C. However, the resin was damaged after 21 sterilisation cycles due to its high mass and entrapped air. Therefore, the insulation needs to be minimized and the electronic components need to be able withstanding higher temperatures. Additionally, insulations with not yet considered materials will be tested. Also the possibility of insulating just heat-sensitive parts like the power elements will be investigated.

Keyphrases: digitalisation, medical sterile container, sensor module, sterilisation, thermal insulation, transport

In: Klaus Radermacher and Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena (editors). CAOS 2017. 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, vol 1, pages 100-103.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Lukas Böhler and Mateusz Daniol and Lukas Kleinhans and Anton Keller and Ryszard Sroka},
  title     = {Heat resistant electronic modules for intelligent medical sterile containers},
  booktitle = {CAOS 2017. 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery},
  editor    = {Klaus Radermacher and Ferdinando Rodriguez Y Baena},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Health Sciences},
  volume    = {1},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-5305},
  url       = {/publications/paper/KsHg},
  doi       = {10.29007/7vcb},
  pages     = {100-103},
  year      = {2017}}
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