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Populations of Medicago Falcata L. in Small River Basins of Russia as a Source Material for Breeding

EasyChair Preprint 7194

3 pagesDate: December 8, 2021


The genetic resources of wild populations of Medicago falcate L. of the Cretaceous South of the Srednerussky Upland in ecotopic conditions of chalky slopes and floodplain meadows in the basins of small rivers Tikhaya Sosna and Manjokha were studied to find the source material for breeding work to create varieties for different cultivation conditions. Evaluation of phytocenotic features, density of cenopopulations, forage and seed species was carried out. The species M. falcata forms, both on meadows in floodplains and on chalk slopes, full-membered normal cenopopulations, which have a continual (continuous) distribution of individuals by age groups, stable in time and in space. The centralized ontogenetic spectrum indicates the stable status of M. falcata cenopopulations in plant communities in various ecotopes of small river basins. The density of individuals of M. falcata was on average 18.9 % higher in cenopopulations of floodplains than in chalk slopes. The density of generative individuals in all studied cenopopulations was on average close and varied within 81.2-83.7 %, which indicates their stability in time and high adaptive potential. The weight of one fruiting model plant of floodplain meadows was 2.28 times higher than on chalky slopes. Seed yield on floodplain meadows was 2.02 times higher than on chalky slopes. Valuable source material for breeding M. falcatum varieties adapted to different ecotopic conditions was obtained.

Keyphrases: aboveground productivity, age structure of cenopopopulations, genetic resources, ontogenetic spectrum, seed productivity

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Alexey Glinushkin and Alexander Tseiko and Mikhail Kostomakhin},
  title     = {Populations of Medicago Falcata L. in Small River Basins of Russia as a Source Material for Breeding},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 7194},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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