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Tailoring the Photocatalytic Efficiency of Activated Carbon Doped Commercial TiO2 Photo Catalyst on Methylene Blue, Rhodamine-B & Crystal Violet Dyes Under Visible Light Source

EasyChair Preprint 5834

6 pagesDate: June 16, 2021


Dyes are very important chemicals in modern industrial world, especially in the textile industry. But it is considered to be highly responsible for water pollution. A large group of industrial and textile wastes is organic dyes used in various processes. Semiconductor photo-catalysis plays a helping hand in this case. As an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP), semiconductor photo-catalysis has profound efficiency in the photo degradation of various hazardous chemicals. This study highlights the photo degradation efficiency of activated carbon (AC) doped TiO2 photo catalysts on Methylene Blue (MB), Rhodamine-B (RB) and Crystal Violet (CV) dyes under visible light source. The effects of dopant, catalyst dosage, and calcination temperature on the efficiency of this photo catalyst are also studied. To do the work, different dosages of AC doped TiO2 photo catalyst were added to 200ml 20ppm solution of the aforementioned dyes. The catalyst calcined at 300 ˚C was found to be the efficient one in this experiment. The optimum catalyst dosage was found to be 0.20g to degrade 20 ppm 200 ml solution of industrial dyes. To evaluate the kinetics of this work, the resultant experimental data were plotted into four kinetic models: Zero order, Pseudo first order, Parabolic diffusion and Modified Freundlich model.

Keyphrases: Dyes, Kinetic models, Photo catalyst, TiO2, activated carbon, doped tio2 photo catalyst, photo-degradation, semiconductor

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Mohammed Mastabur Rahman and Asheka Arafa and Biplob Sen and Mohammad Rakib Hossain},
  title     = {Tailoring the Photocatalytic Efficiency of Activated Carbon Doped Commercial TiO2 Photo Catalyst on Methylene Blue, Rhodamine-B & Crystal Violet Dyes Under Visible Light Source},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 5834},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2021}}
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