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Metaverse in InterPlanet Internet: Designing a Space Robot That Can Make Self-Replication

EasyChair Preprint 13695

16 pagesDate: June 17, 2024


The interplanet internet is a conceived computer network in space. The nodes are the planet’s orbiters and landers ( robots) and the earth ground stations,and the data can be routed through Earth’s internal internet. As resource depletion on Earth becomes real, the idea of extracting valuable elements or to build space habitats becomes more attractive. The metaverse is essentially a simulated digital environment mimicking the real world. The metaverse would be something very similar to real world planetary activities where users interact with overlaying objects represented by robots,etc.for real-world planetary activities in a completely virtual manner. Here we show how machines that use AI, which in turn make machines/ robots capable of using raw materials to reproduce itself by giving intelligence and knowledge to space robots in operation. Firstly, the self-replicating robotics is conceived by an artificial intelligence program working on group of robots and the AI ran an evolutionary algorithm on large number of robotic body shapes in a simulation. The AI rendered a winning design by selecting a cluster of robots shaped designer model for space operation from the lot. Secondly, using the AI’s blueprint, random robot parts added to the assembler site to give the parent robots raw material to make their babies. By adding robotic body parts, self-replication continues formation after formation and sculpting robot-body parts is the “programming” that instructs body-parts clusters to develop a certain way. We implemented AI models such as Evolutionary Strategy and Neural NetworksCNN in a replicating structure to classify robots for cluster formation. The desired response was measured. The results of the study show that the space related activities with self-replication using evolutionary learning and programmed design models could be of reality even in interplanet environment provided the interplanet internet is available as pathway communication.

Keyphrases: AI in Robotic Design, InterPlanet Internet, Metaverse Model, self-replication, space robots

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Poondru Prithvinath Reddy},
  title     = {Metaverse in InterPlanet Internet: Designing a Space Robot That Can Make Self-Replication},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 13695},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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