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Creation of a Utility Model: "System for Non-Destructive Testing of Soil Characteristics"

EasyChair Preprint 9024

5 pagesDate: October 8, 2022


This article describes the principle of operation of a utility model for a system for non-destructive testing of soil characteristics. This utility model belongs to the agricultural and computing fields of technology, and is also classified as a means of measuring and processing data. Thanks to the computing devices with which we receive and process data, we can obtain data on the composition and characteristics of the soil, which can be used for agro-industrial interests. Before our invention, methods and metrics for measuring the qualitative characteristics of various types of soils were known in the scientific community, research was also carried out and existing utility models were studied. We will also talk about this in this article. To conduct a full-scale study of soil properties, it is necessary to spend a large amount of time and money, while the accuracy of non-destructive testing measurements without additional equipment remains very low. If you use laboratory research to increase the accuracy of measurements, then the time and financial costs increase even more. The results of the creation of this utility model can be used to study heat and moisture transfer in solids and gases, as well as to create more advanced prototypes based on the utility model.

Keyphrases: Arduino, Arduino Uno, Atmega 328P, DHT-22, DS18B20, Sensors, air humidity, air temperature, lm293, non-destructive testing, soil characteristics, soil moisture, soil temperature

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Akhat Kulzhanov},
  title     = {Creation of a Utility Model: "System for Non-Destructive Testing of Soil Characteristics"},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 9024},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2022}}
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