HIC 2018: Author Index

Abbas, SalamImproving River Flow Simulation Using a Coupled Surface-Groundwater Model for Integrated Water Resources Management
Abdallah, WajdiA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Abdullah, Mohammad FikryN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
Abe, NarumiAn Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
Abe, ShioriEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
Abraham, EdoModel Predictive Control of Salinity and Water Level in a Hypothetical Polder Ditch: Is it Possible to Use the Discretized Linearized Physical Equations for Optimization
Afli, AbdeljelilA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Agema, Klas JanCapitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
AghaKouchak, AmirTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Ahmadi, MehdiSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Akgun, Omer BurakEstimation of Streamflow Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rule-Based Model
Alcocer-Yamanaka, Víctor H.Novel Drought Hazard Monitoring Framework for Decision Support Under Data Scarcity
Alfonso, LeonardoFramework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
Optimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Allani, MohamedA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Alonso, SaraOptimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Alp, EmreAssessment of Hydromorphological Characteristics in Sakarya Watershed, Turkey
Alvarado Montero, RodolfoShort-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization
Alves, DeboraSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
Alves, PriscilaDynamic Scenarios and Water Management Simulations: Towards to an Integrated Spatial Analysis Approach in Water Urban Planning
Alvisi, StefanoPreliminary GIS Elaborations to Apply Rapid Flood Spreading Models
Amann, Kai-UweOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Amin, KanwalFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Dynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
Amiri, Bahman JabbarianInvestigating the Optimization Strategies on Performance of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
Angarita, Hector AndresDevelopment of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
Annis, AntonioIntegrating a 2D Hydraulic Model and GIS Algorithms into a Data Assimilation Framework for Real Time Flood Forecasting and Mapping
Antunes Do Carmo, JoséStorm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
Antúnez Leyva, EdgarPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Araghinejad, ShahabEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
Arai, RyosukeDevelopment of a System for Practical Prediction of Flood and Debris Flow Throughout Japan
Araújo, Diego Cézar Dos SantosValidation of SMOS-IC Soil Moisture over Brazilian Semiarid Using in situ Measurements
Araújo, Diêgo Cézar Dos SantosEvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
Arboleda-Obando, PedroMulti-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia
Archimède, BernardReconstruction of Hydrometric Data Using a Network Optimization Model
Arciniega, SaulAssessment of Irrigation Water Use Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data in Mexico’s Northeast
Arena, ClaudioValidation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
Arganis, MaritzaInfluence on the Distribution Function of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series when Filling Data Using Lagrange Interpolation
Generation of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
Armenio, ElviraData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
Arnold, EckhardOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Arnone, ElisaA Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
Relationship Between Extreme Rainfall and Surface Temperature in Sicily (Italy)
Aronica, Giuseppe TitoPerformance Analysis of the Water Distribution System of the City of Messina Through Sustainability Indices
Arsenault, RichardImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Asaulyak, IrinaSimulation of Possible Scenarios of Precipitations on River Basin of Water Reservoir with Considerate of Climatic Change.
Ashe, JosieExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
Assumpção, Thaine H.Flood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
Ata, RiadhShape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
Aubeneau, AntoineTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
Audouin, YoannGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
Shape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
Aufleger, MarkusHigh-Resolution LiDAR Bathymetry Data for Alpine Rivers - Case Study on the River Mareit/Mareta, Italy
Ayaz, SelmaSimulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
Aydin, Boran EkinModel Predictive Control of Salinity and Water Level in a Hypothetical Polder Ditch: Is it Possible to Use the Discretized Linearized Physical Equations for Optimization
Aydin, Nazli YoncaIdentifying Critical Components in Water Networks Using Time-Dependent Data
Aynur, SebnemSimulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
Ayog, JaniceReformulation of 2D DG2 Scheme for Shallow Water Modelling
Ayoub, TahiriReconstruction of Hydrometric Data Using a Network Optimization Model
Ayvaz, M. TamerIdentification of the Aquifer Parameters from Pumping Test Data by Using a Hybrid Optimization Approach
Weekly Flow Prediction of Ergene River Using an Artificial Neural Network Based Solution Approach
Azzopardi, JoelA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Baayen, JornModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
Babovic, VladanImproving Water Level Forecast of an Oceanographic Model in Malacca Strait Based on Data-Driven Open Boundary Correction
Bacchi, BaldassareFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
Baeza, Juan AntonioModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
Bahar, ErsinA Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Advection-Diffusion Equation
Bailey, RyanImproving River Flow Simulation Using a Coupled Surface-Groundwater Model for Integrated Water Resources Management
Balistrocchi, MatteoFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
Ball, JamesA Classic Hydroinformatic Problem - Floods
Bandyopadhyay, ArnabComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
Temporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Bao, ShanshanParameter Selection for Phase Space Reconstruction in Hydrological Series and Rationality Analysis of its Chaotic Characteristics
Baquero Gonzalez, DavidOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Barillot, PhilippeMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Basili, RobertoA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Basolo, VictoriaTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Baumgartner, KatharinaHigh-Resolution LiDAR Bathymetry Data for Alpine Rivers - Case Study on the River Mareit/Mareta, Italy
Baur, TomOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Beg, Md Nazmul AzimFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Beji, RidhaA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Belolubtsev, AlexandrSimulation of Possible Scenarios of Precipitations on River Basin of Water Reservoir with Considerate of Climatic Change.
Berardi, LuigiA Teaching Experiment Using a Serious Game for WDNs Sizing
Risk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
Complex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
Centrality Metrics for Water Distribution Networks
Bermúdez, MaríaDevelopment of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
Bernini, AnnaPreliminary GIS Elaborations to Apply Rapid Flood Spreading Models
Bernini, RomeoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Berry, RobCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Bertassello, Leonardo EnricoTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
Bertone, EdoardoUsing Compensated Fluorescence Probes Data for Proactive Water Treatment Management
Bhadra, AditiComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
Temporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Bhardwaj, AashishBuilding a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Bhattacharya, BiswaHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Extreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
Exploring the Use of the Three Rainfall Remote Sensing Products for Flood Prediction in the Brahmaputra Basin
Bhola, PunitFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Dynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
Bibok, AttilaOptimal Time Step Length to Minimize Uncertainty of Zonal Water Balance Calculation in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Hydraulic Model Calibration of Pressure Reduced Zones with Multiple Input Valves
Bimpas, ManthosSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Biondi, DanielaError Propagation from Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture Into Soil Water Index Using an Exponential Filter
Biscarini, ChiaraOptimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Bischetti, Gian BattistaA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
Blokker, E.J. MirjamComparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
Bloomfield, WilliamOptimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
Blázquez Garcia, Jose AntonioAn Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
Boano, FulvioReal-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
Boatwright, ShaunOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
Boaventura-Cunha, JoséA Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
Bodini, SergioOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Bolea, YolandaAn Innovative ICT Solution for Sewer Systems
Bolotov, AndreyAssessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
Bonaccorso, BrunellaPerformance Analysis of the Water Distribution System of the City of Messina Through Sustainability Indices
Bonet, EnricSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Bongioannini Cerlini, PaolinaPerformance of Global Atmospheric Datasets towards Groundwater Management
Borzì, IolandaPerformance Analysis of the Water Distribution System of the City of Messina Through Sustainability Indices
Bosco, CamilloOptimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
Botter, GianlucaTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
Boudreau, DanielleTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Boutkhamouine, BrahimUncertainty Analysis of a Temperature-Index Snowmelt Model Using Bayesian Networks
Bouwer, LaurensBuilding a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Boxall, JobyOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
Predicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
Bozorg, MohsenOptimization of the Midterm Electricity Generation Mix Considering the Effects of Water, Land and Carbon Footprints
Bragalli, CristianaMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
Brasil Neto, ReginaldoVariability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
Braun, MathiasSpectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
Brazier, Richard E.Extracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
Brentan, BrunoMulti-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
Breña Naranjo, José AgustínAssessment of Irrigation Water Use Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data in Mexico’s Northeast
Adaptation and Resilience of Roads to Extreme Hydrological Events
Breña-Naranjo, J. AgustínManaging Large Geodatasets for Urban Flood Risk Mapping: The Mexican Flood Risk Atlas
Novel Drought Hazard Monitoring Framework for Decision Support Under Data Scarcity
Brigode, PierreairGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology
Brissette, FrançoisImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Brufau, Pilar1D Model vs 2D Model for Flooding Events
Bruland, OddbjørnFlood Estimation in Ungauged Catchment Using ENKI Simulation: A Case Study in Norway
Brunetti, MicheleDetection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Brunone, BrunoPerformance of Global Atmospheric Datasets towards Groundwater Management
Pipe System Characteristics vs. Reliability of Transient Test-Based Techniques for Pipe Inspection
Bâ, Khalidou M.Spatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Camarinopoulos, StephanosSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Cannarozzo, MarcellaValidation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
Capasso, SanteOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Capodici, FulvioA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Caradot, NicolasFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
Cardoso, AlbertoCategorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
Carlino, GiuseppinaRelationship Between Extreme Rainfall and Surface Temperature in Sicily (Italy)
Carlino, MartinaA New Railway Bridge on Gornalunga River: a Flood Modeling Study.
Carpitella, SilviaMulti-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
Carrizosa Elizondo, EliseoGeneration of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
Caruso, OlgaComparison Between Calibration and Sensitivity Approach in Water Network Management in Emergency Conditions
Carvalho, Rita F.Flood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Casados Prior, Jorge ArturoPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Cascetta, FurioOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Castaldo, FrancescaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Castaldo, RaffaeleMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Castaneda-Gonzalez, MarianaImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Castañeda-Gonzalez, MarianaSimulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Castelli, FabioIntegrating a 2D Hydraulic Model and GIS Algorithms into a Data Assimilation Framework for Real Time Flood Forecasting and Mapping
A Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
Mixed Variational-Monte Carlo Assimilation of Streamflow Data in Flood Forecasting: the Impact of Observations Spatial Distribution
Caubet, JuanSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Cauwenberghs, KrisCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Cavalli, AlessandroEvaluation and Stochastic Simulation of Storm Precipitation for City Underground Utilities in Condition of Climate Change
Flood Control by Water Reservoir with Account of Runoff Forecast
Caviedes-Voullième, DanielTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
Cembrano, GabrielaFactors Influencing the Simplified Quality Model Performance
Fault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
Advanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
Certa, AntonellaMulti-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
Changwei, HuResearch and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
Charoenveangvechakij, UdomluckThe Knowledge Development in Flood Risk Reduction: a Case of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, Thailand
Chatelard, ChristianMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Chaumont, DianeImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Chen, AlbertAnalysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
A Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Using a Particle Based Simulation to Visualize Sub-Catchments Contribution to Localized Flooding
Chen, ChenVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
Chen, HuaResearch and Design of Hydrological Big-data Sharing Platform
Chen, QiuwenModelling Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria Abundance in Lakes by Integrating Cellular Automata and Genetic Programming
Chen, YueyangFlood Estimation in Ungauged Catchment Using ENKI Simulation: A Case Study in Norway
Cheung, WingTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Chew, ChengziSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Chiaradia, Enrico AntonioA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
Chiron, PascaleReconstruction of Hydrometric Data Using a Network Optimization Model
Cho, Jae HeonAutomatic Calibration and Performance Evaluation of a Water Quality Model for a River Greatly Influenced by Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent
Choi, GyewoonEstimation of NRW using Main Parameters of Water Distribution Systems
Choi, JintakEstimation of NRW using Main Parameters of Water Distribution Systems
Choi, Sung-UkPhysical Habitat Simulation with ANFIS Method
Cigna, FrancescaReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Cimorelli, LuigiMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Cipolla, GiuseppeObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
Cipolla, Sara SimonaModelling Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Reuse for Tank Size Optimizations
Ciraolo, GiuseppeA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Ciuc, Petre-OvidiuDecision Support for a Centre Pivot Irrigation System Based on Numerical Modelling
Claps, PierluigiA Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas
Floodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Cocco, MicheleOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Coelho, JoaoA Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
Coelho, JoséApplication of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
Comer, JoanneHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
Contreras-Arribas, EvaIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Conway, CrystalHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Coron, LaurentairGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology
Cortes, JesÚs JavierInfluence on the Distribution Function of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series when Filling Data Using Lagrange Interpolation
Corzo, GeraldChaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
Corzo, Gerald AugustoDevelopment of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
Corzo Perez, Gerald A.Building a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Corzo Perez, Gerald A.Intelligent Drought Tracking for its Use in Machine Learning: Implementation and First Results
Coulibaly, PaulinAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
Courty, Laurent GuillaumeManaging Large Geodatasets for Urban Flood Risk Mapping: The Mexican Flood Risk Atlas
Cousin, PhilippeOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Covelli, CarmineMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Cozzolino, LucaMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Craven, JoanneHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Craven, MatthewVisualising the Operation of Evolutionary Algorithms Optimising Water Distribution Network Design Problems
Creaco, EnricoResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
Hydrological Modelling of the Cascina Scala Catchment
Crespi, AliceDetection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Croce, DaniloA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Croft, MartinMicrowave Waste Water Meter: A New Sensing Principle for Flow Measurement in Partially Full Pipes
Cruz, GuilhermeParameter Uncertainties Assessment in a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Bayesian Paradigm
Cucchi, MarcoA Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
D'Acunto, MarioOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Dal Gesso, SaraA Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
Dal Palù, AlessandroMulti-GPU Implementation of 2D Shallow Water Equation Code with Block Uniform Quad-Tree Grids
Dardanelli, GinoReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Darvini, GiovannaChanges in Precipitation-Runoff Relationship in Six Catchments of the Adriatic Coast of Central Italy
De Lozzo, MatthiasGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
De Marchis, MauroOn the Calibration of the Mathematical Laws for the Water Loss Estimation in Water Distribution Network
De Padova, DianaData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
De Santis, DomenicoError Propagation from Remotely Sensed Surface Soil Moisture Into Soil Water Index Using an Exponential Filter
De Serio, FrancescaData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
Dearing, Kar YeeOptimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
Del Castillo Castillo, Jose LuisBuilding a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Delaigue, OlivierairGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology
Della Morte, RenataMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Della Ventura, BartolomeoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Deng, ZhiqiangPredicting Bacterial Levels in Recreational Beach Waters along U.S. Gulf Coast
Uncertainty Analysis of Watershed-Based Flow and Water Quality Modelling with Different DEM Data Sources
Denhard, MichaelEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
Desquesnes, GuilaumeSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
Deuerlein, JochenSpectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
Dewelde, JoostCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Dezső, JózsefModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
Di Cristo, CristianaNumerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
Pre-Conditioning Approach to Bayesian Decision Networks for Water Quality Sensors Positioning in Urban Drainage Systems
Di Francesco, SilviaA New Railway Bridge on Gornalunga River: a Flood Modeling Study.
Di Leo, RomeoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Di Mauro, AnnaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Di Mauro, AnnaAn Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
Di Nardo, ArmandoResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
On-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
An Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
Sensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
Di Natale, MicheleOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
An Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
Di Virgilio, GuidoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Dias Goulart, ThaisaApplication of Routine Calibration of Real Water Supply Network with Adjustment of Demand Roughness Parameters Driven by Applied Pressure Real Network of Brazil
Diaz, VitaliSpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Intelligent Drought Tracking for its Use in Machine Learning: Implementation and First Results
Dimitriadis, PanayiotisHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
Disse, MarkusFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Disse, MarkusDynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
Djordjevic, SlobodanThe Nile System Dynamics Model for Water-Food-Energy Nexus Assessment
Analysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
A Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Using a Particle Based Simulation to Visualize Sub-Catchments Contribution to Localized Flooding
Domingo Albin, XavierSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
DomÍnguez Mora, RamónGeneration of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
Dong, ZhiyongPIV Analysis of Cavitating Flow Behind Square Multi-Orifice Plates
Doniec, ArnaudSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
Doveri, MarcoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Drago, AldoA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Du, JieWater Energy Nexus in Urban Water Resources Allocation: A Case Study of Jinan City
Du, MingxuanAssessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region - Application to the Var catchment, France
Duarte, FreddyChaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
Duong Vo, NgocAssessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region - Application to the Var catchment, France
Application of Distributed Deterministic Hydrological Model in Mediterranean Region, Case Study in Var Catchment, France
Flow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
Short-Term Reservoir System Operation for Flood Mitigation with 1D Hydraulic Model
Semi Distributed Model Application for Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource in Quang Nam - Da Nang Area
Distributed Hydrological Model Application for Estimating the Groundwater Resource at Cu De River Catchment, Viet Nam
Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
Duque, NicolásMulti-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia
Analysis of the Kernel Bandwidth Influence in the Double Smoothing Merging Algorithm to Improve Rainfall Fields in Poorly Gauged Basins
Duviella, EricSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
Distributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
Déliot, PhilippeMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Díaz-Delgado, CarlosSpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Ebrahimi, KumarsEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
Experimental Study on Sorption and Desorption of NaCl to Sand Using a Physical Model
Echeverribar, Isabel1D Model vs 2D Model for Flooding Events
Egashira, ShinjiEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
Eguiarte, AnaTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
El Kadi Abderrezzak, KamalUncertainty Quantification in 2D Morphodynamic Model: Application to the Gironde Estuary.
El Mansouri, BouabidOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
El-Hamalawi, AshrafMicrowave Waste Water Meter: A New Sensing Principle for Flow Measurement in Partially Full Pipes
El-Rawy, MustafaModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
Elmahdy, SamyLand Use/Land Cover Changes Monitoring and Analysis of Dubai Emirate, UAE Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
Elsayed, HamdyThe Nile System Dynamics Model for Water-Food-Energy Nexus Assessment
Elçi, AlperSimulating the Impact of Water Quality Improvement Measures for Nutrient-Sensitive River Basins with the Aquatox Model
Ercolani, GiuliaA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
Mixed Variational-Monte Carlo Assimilation of Streamflow Data in Flood Forecasting: the Impact of Observations Spatial Distribution
Evangelista, StefaniaExperimental and Numerical Analysis of the Hydraulic Performance of Filtering Cartridges for Water Treatment
Evans, BarrySIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Everett, James H.Risk Informed Decision-Making Framework for Operating Reservoirs Under Flooding Conditions: Accounting for Uncertainty and Risk
Everson, RichardAutomatic Identification of Sewer Fault Types Using CCTV Footage
Falk, Anne KatrineA Model Predictive Control Framework for Real-Time Optimisation of Water System Operations
Fan, WangReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Faria, RolandoA DSS for Operational Management of Wastewaters under Uncertain Conditions
Farina, GiuliaPreliminary GIS Elaborations to Apply Rapid Flood Spreading Models
Fava, Maria ClaraAn Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
Feldman, DavidTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Fellini, SofiaReal-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
Feng, JingFactors Influencing the Simplified Quality Model Performance
Fernández-Pato, JavierTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
Ferrante, MarcoMatrix Formulation of Steady/Unsteady-State Models in Complex Pressurized Pipe Systems.
Ferrari, EnnioFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Feyaerts, TomCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Fichera, AntonioEstimation of Velocity Profile in a Hyper-Concentrated Flow: a Critical Analysis of Bagnold Equation
Fiorini Morosini, AttilioComparison Between Calibration and Sensitivity Approach in Water Network Management in Emergency Conditions
Fontaine, JacquesShape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
Formiga, KlebberParameter Uncertainties Assessment in a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Bayesian Paradigm
Fortunato, AntoninoValidation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
Franchini, MarcoHydrological Modelling of the Cascina Scala Catchment
Preliminary GIS Elaborations to Apply Rapid Flood Spreading Models
Francipane, AntonioObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
Freebairn, DavidFederating and Harmonising Disparate Soil Moisture Data Sources
Freni, GabrieleImplications of Land Use Change on River Flow in South West England
Comparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
Pressure Sensors Positioning for Leakages Detection under Uncertain Demands
Pre-Conditioning Approach to Bayesian Decision Networks for Water Quality Sensors Positioning in Urban Drainage Systems
Frédéric, Yves-MichelMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Fu, GuangtaoDecision Making Methods for Water Resources Planning in England and Wales
Fu, WangVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
Fuxin, ChaiResearch and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
Fuxin, ChaiReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Fülöp, RolandOptimal Time Step Length to Minimize Uncertainty of Zonal Water Balance Calculation in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Hydraulic Model Calibration of Pressure Reduced Zones with Multiple Input Valves
Gaetano, MarcAquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
Galea, AnthonyA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Galvão, CarlosConsidering Water Footprint in Reservoir Adaptation to Climate Change: an Evolutionary Approach
Variability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
Gandolfi, ClaudioA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
García-Navarro, PilarTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
1D Model vs 2D Model for Flooding Events
García-Palacín, IgnacioTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
Gargano, RudyA Tool for Daily Demand Pattern Generation
The Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Probability of Null Water Demand Characterization
Gauci, AdamA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Gavahi, KayhanComparison of Two Data-Driven Streamflow Forecast Approaches in an Adaptive Optimal Reservoir Operation Model
Georgescu, Andrei-MugurDecision Support for a Centre Pivot Irrigation System Based on Numerical Modelling
Georgescu, Sanda-CarmenDecision Support for a Centre Pivot Irrigation System Based on Numerical Modelling
Germano, RobertoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Ghaleh Navi, FaezehComparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
Gharbi, AminaA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Giansanti, FedericaMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
Gibson, MichaelAnalysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
Gibson, MikeA Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Gil, PauloCategorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
Ginting, Bobby MinolaParallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
Gissvold Johannessen, BirgitteModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
Giudicianni, CarloResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
Sensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
Giudicianni, CarloOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Giunta, NicolasOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Giustolisi, OrazioDevelopment of a Modularity Index for Reliability Assessment of Isolation Valve Systems
A Teaching Experiment Using a Serious Game for WDNs Sizing
Risk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
Complex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
Centrality Metrics for Water Distribution Networks
Goeury, CédricUncertainty Quantification in 2D Morphodynamic Model: Application to the Gironde Estuary.
Shape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
Goktas, Recep KayaWeekly Flow Prediction of Ergene River Using an Artificial Neural Network Based Solution Approach
Gomes, MarianaStorm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
Gomes, RicardoOptimal District Metered Area Design by Simulated Annealing
Water Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Gonzalez, Miguel EduardoInfluence on the Distribution Function of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series when Filling Data Using Lagrange Interpolation
Gonzalez-Ramirez, NoemiIntegrating a 2D Hydraulic Model and GIS Algorithms into a Data Assimilation Framework for Real Time Flood Forecasting and Mapping
Predicting Accurate Urban Flooding from Nuisance Flows to Major Disasters
QGIS FLO-2D Integration
Goodarzi, Mehdi SheikhInvestigating the Optimization Strategies on Performance of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
Goodrich, KristenTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Goulart, Thaisa DiasAnalysis of Hypothetical Water Distribution Network from the Application of Three Calibration Optimization Algorithms Applying the Genetic Algorithms
Gourbesville, PhilippeAquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
Framework Implementation for Smart Water Management
Gourbesville, PhilippeAssessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region - Application to the Var catchment, France
Application of Distributed Deterministic Hydrological Model in Mediterranean Region, Case Study in Var Catchment, France
Gourbesville, PhilippeFlow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
Short-Term Reservoir System Operation for Flood Mitigation with 1D Hydraulic Model
Semi Distributed Model Application for Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource in Quang Nam - Da Nang Area
Distributed Hydrological Model Application for Estimating the Groundwater Resource at Cu De River Catchment, Viet Nam
Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
Gournary, NayaHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
Goutal, NicoleGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
Gragne, AshenafiModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
Granata, FrancescoProbability of Null Water Demand Characterization
Grand-Clement, EmilieExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
Grangeiro, EsterDynamic Scenarios and Water Management Simulations: Towards to an Integrated Spatial Analysis Approach in Water Urban Planning
Grasso, SusannaA Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas
Floodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Grau, AntoniAn Innovative ICT Solution for Sewer Systems
Greco, MassimoNumerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
Greco, RobertoResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
On-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Sensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
Guangyuan, KanReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Guercio, Maria BernadetteFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Guisasola, AlbertModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
Guo, KaihuaNumerical Simulation of the Land use Effect on Catchment Flood Mitigation
Guo, LiangA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Guo, LiangChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Gurarslan, GurhanIdentification of the Aquifer Parameters from Pumping Test Data by Using a Hybrid Optimization Approach
A Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Advection-Diffusion Equation
Gusmão, Ana Claudia Villar E LunaValidation of SMOS-IC Soil Moisture over Brazilian Semiarid Using in situ Measurements
EvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
Gómez Lugo, LuisPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Gómez-Albores, Miguel AngelSpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Gómez-Beas, RaquelIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Ha, Jae-HongDevelopment of a System Dynamics Computer Model for the Simulation of the Effects of an Alternate Water Source Development Project on the Water Supply Systems Management and Customer Satisfaction
Hallowell, JeffRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
Halvgaard, RasmusA Model Predictive Control Framework for Real-Time Optimisation of Water System Operations
Hamling, IsaacOptimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
Hamza, Mahmoud EliesA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Hangsing, NemtinkimComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
Hansen Rodríguez, Martha PatriciaPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Hartnett, MichaelHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
Application of a Sequential Data Assimilation Technique to Improve Modeling of Surface Currents Using Radar Data at a Coastal Domain
Hassan, JawadFramework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
He, FanApplication of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
He, GuohuaImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Hedhli, KamelA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Heramphakun, SuradetThe Knowledge Development in Flood Risk Reduction: a Case of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, Thailand
Hernandez, NathalieFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
Hernández, OscarChaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
Hernández-Espriú, AntonioAssessment of Irrigation Water Use Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data in Mexico’s Northeast
Herrera, ManuelSensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
Hinkelmann, ReinhardFlash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
A Proposed Implicit Friction Source Term Treatment for Simulating Overland Flow
A Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
A Grid Convergence Study for the Integral Porosity Shallow Water Model on Unstructured Triangular Meshes
Hitokoto, MasayukiApplicability of the Deep Learning Flood Forecast Model Against the Inexperienced Magnitude of Flood
Ho, Viet HungComputation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Flood Flow Downstream from the Reservoir with Dam Safety Scenarios in North Vietnam
A Study of the Average Flow in Open Channel with Baffle Blocks Distributed Uniformly
Hofman, JanSmart Water Demand Forecasting: Learning from the Data
Hongping, ZhangResearch and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
Horváth, KlaudiaModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
Hou, JingmingNumerical Simulation of the Land use Effect on Catchment Flood Mitigation
A Proposed Implicit Friction Source Term Treatment for Simulating Overland Flow
Houston, DouglasTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Huang, DayongA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Hui, LiReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Hunter, NeilCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Husband, StewartPredicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
Hutton, ChrisSmart Water Demand Forecasting: Learning from the Data
Huwald, HendrikExtracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
Huybrighs, MichaelCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Hwang, Jin HwanComparative Study on the Open Boundary Conditions of Shallow Flows
Designing a Framework for the Estuarine Monitoring System
Hwang, Jin HwanThe Effect of Lateral Boundary Conditions on Results of One-Way Nested Ocean Regional Circulation Model
Hélias, FranckMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Ibarra-Zavaleta, Sara PatriciaSimulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Iervolino, MicheleNumerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
Ikeuchi, KojiEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
Ilinich, VitalyEvaluation and Stochastic Simulation of Storm Precipitation for City Underground Utilities in Condition of Climate Change
Flood Control by Water Reservoir with Account of Runoff Forecast
Simulation of Possible Scenarios of Precipitations on River Basin of Water Reservoir with Considerate of Climatic Change.
Assessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
Approach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
Im, DongkyunPhysical Habitat Simulation with ANFIS Method
Iollo, AngeloSpectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
Iovino, PasqualeOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Isacco, SilviaFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Izquierdo, JoaquínMulti-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
Jaatun, Martin GiljeSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Jafari, AliExperimental Study on Sorption and Desorption of NaCl to Sand Using a Physical Model
Jafari, FatemehA Real-Time Optimal Gate Operation Model for Urban Drainage Systems
Jang, DongwooEstimation of NRW using Main Parameters of Water Distribution Systems
Jang, Suk HwanSeasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
Jemli, AbdejjabarA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Jia, YangwenApplication System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
Jiang, ShanImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Jiang, ShanAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Jiang, ShanApplication of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
Jiren, LiReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Jo, Jun WonSeasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
Johns, MatthewInteractive Visualisation of Water Distribution Network Optimisation
Development and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
Emerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
Towards Interactive Evolution: A Distributed Optimiser for Multi-Objective Water Distribution Network Design
Joksimovic, DarkoReal-Time Quality Control and Infilling of Precipitation Data Using Neural Networks
Development of Decision Support Tool for Evaluation of Urban Water System Metabolism Efficiency
Jonoski, AndrejaFlood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
Optimal Operation of Flood Storage Areas in Huai River Using Coupled HEC-RAS River Model and NSGAII Global Optimization Algorithm
Joo, JingulEvaluation of Low Impact Development Using EPA SWMM-LID Modeling
Joseph-Duran, BernatFault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
Advanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
Jung, JaeyoungComparative Study on the Open Boundary Conditions of Shallow Flows
Kang, BoosikScaling Characteristics of Storm-Centered ARF Using Radar Rainfall
Kapelan, ZoranAutomatic Identification of Sewer Fault Types Using CCTV Footage
Improving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
Prediction of CSO Chamber Level Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
The Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Advanced Loop-flow Method for Fast Hydraulic Simulations
Smart Water Demand Forecasting: Learning from the Data
Karatzas, George P.Uncertainty Estimations in Different Components of a Hybrid ANN - Fuzzy - Kriging Model for Water Table Level Simulation
Kasper, JuliaEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
Kasper, JuliaOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Katsou, EvinaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Modelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
Kazemi, EhsanPredicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
Keedwell, EdInteractive Visualisation of Water Distribution Network Optimisation
Prediction of CSO Chamber Level Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
Towards Interactive Evolution: A Distributed Optimiser for Multi-Objective Water Distribution Network Design
Kentel, ElcinEstimation of Streamflow Using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rule-Based Model
Weekly Flow Prediction of Ergene River Using an Artificial Neural Network Based Solution Approach
Assessment of Hydromorphological Characteristics in Sakarya Watershed, Turkey
Kerkez, BrankoAutonomous Control of Urban Storm Water Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
Kesserwani, GeorgesReformulation of 2D DG2 Scheme for Shallow Water Modelling
Kesserwani, GeorgesAdaptive Multi-Scale Shallow Flow Model: a Wavelet-Based Formulation
Keum, JonghoAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
Khoury, MehdiAnalysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
A Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Using a Particle Based Simulation to Visualize Sub-Catchments Contribution to Localized Flooding
Kiba, L. G.Temporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Kilsby, ChrisTowards Integrating Modelling of Flood-Induced Bridge Failures
Kim, EunjiScaling Characteristics of Storm-Centered ARF Using Radar Rainfall
Kim, Joong HoonA Real-Time Optimal Gate Operation Model for Urban Drainage Systems
Kim, JunghoEvaluation of Low Impact Development Using EPA SWMM-LID Modeling
Kim, Nam-HoonDesigning a Framework for the Estuarine Monitoring System
Kim, Seung KiPhysical Habitat Simulation with ANFIS Method
Klar, RobertHigh-Resolution LiDAR Bathymetry Data for Alpine Rivers - Case Study on the River Mareit/Mareta, Italy
Knoppová, KateřinaRobust Reliability Assessment of Water Reservoir Under Uncertainty of Climate Change
Koeck, FlorianFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Koenig, RalfOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Koike, ToshioEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
Kolechkina, AllaGraph Theory Algorithms for Real Time Control of a Sewer Network
Kolokytha, ElpidaConsidering Water Footprint in Reservoir Adaptation to Climate Change: an Evolutionary Approach
Konnerth, IrisFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Dynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
Koo, YoungminSerial Application of SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 to Predict Water Quality Dynamics in the Basin and Lake of the Yongdam Dam, Korea to Analyze Climate Change Effects
Koti, JulianeFinding Cost-Effective Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen Using Extensive Climate, Economic and Spatial Data
STOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Koutsospyrou, VasilikiMicrowave Waste Water Meter: A New Sensing Principle for Flow Measurement in Partially Full Pipes
Koutsoyiannis, DemetrisHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
Error Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
Kozelj, DanielPartition of Water Distribution Networks into District Metered Areas Using a Graph Theoretical Approach
Krapez, Jean-ClaudeMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Kristvik, ErleFinding Cost-Effective Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen Using Extensive Climate, Economic and Spatial Data
La Loggia, GoffredoReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Pressure Sensors Positioning for Leakages Detection under Uncertain Demands
La Rocca, MicheleFlash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
Laborie, VanessyaGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
Ladevèze, DavidReconstruction of Hydrometric Data Using a Network Optimization Model
Laio, FrancescoFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Lalramnghaki, H.Temporal Variation in Water Induced Soil Erosion by RUSLE Model Using Remote Sensing and GIS
Landgrave, RosarioSimulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Lanzoni, StefanoMeandering Evolution and Width Variation, a Physics-Statistical Based Modeling Approach
Lapushkin, MaksimEvaluation and Stochastic Simulation of Storm Precipitation for City Underground Utilities in Condition of Climate Change
Laspidou, ChrysiOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Laucelli, DanieleA Teaching Experiment Using a Serious Game for WDNs Sizing
Complex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
Centrality Metrics for Water Distribution Networks
Laurel Varela, YenniPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Laverde Barajas, Miguel AngelExploring the Use of the Three Rainfall Remote Sensing Products for Flood Prediction in the Brahmaputra Basin
Le, Anh TuanA Study of the Average Flow in Open Channel with Baffle Blocks Distributed Uniformly
Le, Hong NhungA Study of the Average Flow in Open Channel with Baffle Blocks Distributed Uniformly
Le, Thu Hien ThiComputation of Hydraulic Characteristics of Flood Flow Downstream from the Reservoir with Dam Safety Scenarios in North Vietnam
Le Goff, IsabelleMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Leandro, JorgeFlood Forecasting with Uncertainty Using a Fully Automated Flood Model Chain: a Case Study for the City of Kulmbach
Dynamic Flood Inundation Forecast for the City of Kulmbach Using Offline Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models
Lee, Jae-KyoungSeasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
Lee, Jong HoAutomatic Calibration and Performance Evaluation of a Water Quality Model for a River Greatly Influenced by Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent
Lei, XiaohuiApplication System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
Leitão, JoaquimCategorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
Lemaitre Ruiz, XimenaDevelopment of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
Leopardi, AngeloPre-Conditioning Approach to Bayesian Decision Networks for Water Quality Sensors Positioning in Urban Drainage Systems
Ler, Lian GueyFramework Implementation for Smart Water Management
Leroux, RomainUncertainty Quantification in 2D Morphodynamic Model: Application to the Gironde Estuary.
Li, ChuanzheHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
Doppler Radar Data Assimilation for Mesoscale Numerical Rainfall Prediction
Li, HaihongImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Li, HeshuEntropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
Li, HongyanParameter Selection for Phase Space Reconstruction in Hydrological Series and Rationality Analysis of its Chaotic Characteristics
Li, JiayeVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
Li, LeiA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
Li, PengA Proposed Implicit Friction Source Term Treatment for Simulating Overland Flow
Li, QianDrainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
Li, TiejianVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
Flood Estimation in Ungauged Catchment Using ENKI Simulation: A Case Study in Norway
Li, XiaohanA Data-Driven Hybrid Urban Flood Modelling Approach
Li, ZejinModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
Liaghat, AbdolmajidEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
Liang, DongfangA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
Liang, DongfangStudy of Pollutant Transport in Environmental Flows Using Depth-Averaged Random Walk Method
A Grid Convergence Study for the Integral Porosity Shallow Water Model on Unstructured Triangular Meshes
Liang, DongfangA Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
Liang, QiuhuaDrainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Induced Floods at a Catchment Scale
Simulation of Floating Debris in Violent Shallow Flows
Liao, Pin-HaoEnsemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
Libertino, AndreaA Web-GIS Tool for Rainstorm Hazard Management Over Large Areas
Lin, ZhaohuiSimulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
Linares-Sáez, AntonioIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Ling, YuqingModelling Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria Abundance in Lakes by Integrating Cellular Automata and Genetic Programming
Lisbino, VincenzoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Liu, FeifeiNumerical Simulation of the Land use Effect on Catchment Flood Mitigation
Liu, FenfenA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
Liu, JiaHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
Doppler Radar Data Assimilation for Mesoscale Numerical Rainfall Prediction
Liu, JiahongModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
A Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
PUBs for Engineering Purpose: Framework Development and Case Study
Liu, QiA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Liu, QiChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Liu, RonghuaA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
China National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Liu, YesenChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Liuqian, DingReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Liuzzo, LorenaImplications of Land Use Change on River Flow in South West England
Lohne, JardarModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
Lombardo, AlessioValidation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
Lopez Dubon, SergioMeandering Evolution and Width Variation, a Physics-Statistical Based Modeling Approach
Lorente, ÓscarIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Louvet, YolandeMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Lozenguez, GuillaumeSimulation Architecture Based on Distributive MDP for Inland Waterway Management
Luke, AdamTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Lupi, LisaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Lóczy, DénesModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
López, MarcoAdaptation and Resilience of Roads to Extreme Hydrological Events
Ma, JianmingNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
Ma, QiangAquaVar: Real Time Models for Underground and Surface Waters Management at Catchment Scale
Assessment and Modeling of Snow Melting Impacts in the French Mediterranean Region - Application to the Var catchment, France
Application of Distributed Deterministic Hydrological Model in Mediterranean Region, Case Study in Var Catchment, France
Machado, ÉricaConsidering Water Footprint in Reservoir Adaptation to Climate Change: an Evolutionary Approach
Madsen, HenrikA Model Predictive Control Framework for Real-Time Optimisation of Water System Operations
Madularea, Remus AlexandruDecision Support for a Centre Pivot Irrigation System Based on Numerical Modelling
Maglionico, MarcoModelling Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Reuse for Tank Size Optimizations
Mahaffey, SamanthaSimulation of Floating Debris in Violent Shallow Flows
Maiolo, MarioInfluence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
Makarychev, SergeyAssessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
Makropoulos, ChristosA Cellular Automata Urban Growth Model for Water Resources Strategic Planning
Makropoulos, ChristosSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Maltese, AntoninoReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Maluf, LucasImpact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Mambeli Barros, ReginaApplication of Routine Calibration of Real Water Supply Network with Adjustment of Demand Roughness Parameters Driven by Applied Pressure Real Network of Brazil
Analysis of Hypothetical Water Distribution Network from the Application of Three Calibration Optimization Algorithms Applying the Genetic Algorithms
Mansouri Joumade, FaridaA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Marafini, EsterFlash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
Mardani, ZahraEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
Experimental Study on Sorption and Desorption of NaCl to Sand Using a Physical Model
Marques, José AlfeuOptimal District Metered Area Design by Simulated Annealing
Categorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
Water Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Locating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
Impact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Marras, SerenaImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Martinez-Guijarro, RemediosEstimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
Marton, DanielRobust Reliability Assessment of Water Reservoir Under Uncertainty of Climate Change
Martínez Díaz, EvaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
An Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
Martínez Ocampo, Gema AlínPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Martínez-Aranda, SergioTowards Transient Experimental Water Surfaces: Strengthening Two-Dimensional SW Model Validation
Masia, SaraImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Masih, IlyasHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Massara, TheoniModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
Masseroni, DanieleA Customized GIS-based Model for Stormwater Mitigation by LID Controls
Mat Amin, Mohd ZakiN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
Matano, AlessiaFramework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
Matsumoto, KazuhiroClustering Multiple Hydrographs Using Mathematical Optimization
Influence of Rainfall Data with Different Spatial Resolutions on Flood Forecasting Reliability
Matthew, RichardTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Maugeri, MaurizioDetection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Mazandarani Zadeh, HamedOptimization of the Midterm Electricity Generation Mix Considering the Effects of Water, Land and Carbon Footprints
Comparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
Mazumder, Liton ChandraHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Mazzola, Mario RosarioValidation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
Mazzoleni, MaurizioHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
An Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
Exploring the Use of the Three Rainfall Remote Sensing Products for Flood Prediction in the Brahmaputra Basin
Mei, ChaoModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
Memmola, FrancescoChanges in Precipitation-Runoff Relationship in Six Catchments of the Adriatic Coast of Central Italy
Memon, FayyazImproving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
Development and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
Emerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
Integrated Model for Water, Food, Energy and Human Development
Mendicino, GiuseppeInfluence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
Mendiono, Eduardo MarioAn Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
Mendoza Ramírez, RosalvaGeneration of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
Meneses, IsabelVariability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
Meniconi, SilviaPerformance of Global Atmospheric Datasets towards Groundwater Management
Pipe System Characteristics vs. Reliability of Transient Test-Based Techniques for Pipe Inspection
Mereu, SimoneSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Mereu, SimoneImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Meseguer, JordiFault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
Advanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
Mezzi, RanyaA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Milici, BarbaraOn the Calibration of the Mathematical Laws for the Water Loss Estimation in Water Distribution Network
Millet, PaulineExtracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
Ming, XiaodongHigh-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Induced Floods at a Catchment Scale
Minglei, RenReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Miyamoto, MamoruClustering Multiple Hydrographs Using Mathematical Optimization
Influence of Rainfall Data with Different Spatial Resolutions on Flood Forecasting Reliability
Mocva-Kurek, Roberta KarinneZ-R Law for Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using a C-band Radar and a Network of Ground-Based Disdrometers
Mohamad, Mohd FauziN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
Mohamad Ideris, MariniN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
Mohamed, Mohamed MostafaClimate Changes Impacts on Groundwater Recharge in the UAE
Land Use/Land Cover Changes Monitoring and Analysis of Dubai Emirate, UAE Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
Mohammadi, HadiEstimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
Montalvo, IdelMulti-Objective and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Optimal Pump Scheduling in Water Systems
Montanari, AlbertoMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
Montenegro, Suzana Maria Gico LimaValidation of SMOS-IC Soil Moisture over Brazilian Semiarid Using in situ Measurements
EvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
Monti, AlessandroLarge-Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Rigid Submerged Vegetation
Morales-Hernández, Mario1D Model vs 2D Model for Flooding Events
Morley, MarkDevelopment and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
Morley, MarkThe Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Mortazavi, IrajSpectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
Moslemi, MohammadrezaReal-Time Quality Control and Infilling of Precipitation Data Using Neural Networks
Mossa, MicheleData Analysis and Numerical Modelling to Detect Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in a semi Enclosed Basin
Mounce, StephenOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
Predicting Turbidity in Water Distribution Trunk Mains Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Artificial Neural Networks
Moura, Geber Barbosa De AlbuquerqueEvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
Moura Oliveira, PauloA Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
Mousavi, S. JamshidComparison of Two Data-Driven Streamflow Forecast Approaches in an Adaptive Optimal Reservoir Operation Model
A Real-Time Optimal Gate Operation Model for Urban Drainage Systems
Mullapudi, AbhiramAutonomous Control of Urban Storm Water Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
Muller, Jan-PeterReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Mundani, Ralf-PeterParallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
Muranho, JoãoOptimal District Metered Area Design by Simulated Annealing
Locating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
Muranho, JoãoWater Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Murillo, JavierIncreasing Accuracy in Shallow Water Flows: Maintaining Vorticity in Presence of Bathymetry
Musmarra, DinoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Mussomè, FrancescaObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
Mussons Olivella, MontseOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Musumeci, Rosaria EsterFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Muthanna, Tone MereteModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
Mynett, ArthurModelling Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria Abundance in Lakes by Integrating Cellular Automata and Genetic Programming
Myrans, JoshuaAutomatic Identification of Sewer Fault Types Using CCTV Footage
Müller, Hans WernerA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Nakai, KazunoriUtilization and Validation of Hydraulic Formula to Optimize Pipeline Diameter in Waterworks~Downsizing of Water Facilities to Prepare for Decrease in Water Demand due to Population Decline~
Nakamura, YosukeEvaluation of the Uncertainty of Flash Flood Prediction Using the RRI Model in Mountainous Rivers
Nardi, FernandoIntegrating a 2D Hydraulic Model and GIS Algorithms into a Data Assimilation Framework for Real Time Flood Forecasting and Mapping
Predicting Accurate Urban Flooding from Nuisance Flows to Major Disasters
QGIS FLO-2D Integration
Nardone, GabrieleA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Naser, GholamrezaEstimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
Nash, StephenHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
Naumova, AnnaEvaluation and Stochastic Simulation of Storm Precipitation for City Underground Utilities in Condition of Climate Change
Approach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
Navardi, ShabnamInvestigating the Optimization Strategies on Performance of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
Navas-Montilla, AdrianIncreasing Accuracy in Shallow Water Flows: Maintaining Vorticity in Presence of Bathymetry
Nazem, Mohammad RezaEstimation of Longitudinal and Transverse Dispersion Coefficients in Saturated Porous Media Involving Physical Model
Nejjari, FatihaDistributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
Nengzouzam, GraceComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
Nguyen, Hoang-LamA Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
Nguyen, Quang BinhFlow around Groynes Modelling in Different Numerical Schemes.
Semi Distributed Model Application for Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource in Quang Nam - Da Nang Area
Distributed Hydrological Model Application for Estimating the Groundwater Resource at Cu De River Catchment, Viet Nam
Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
Nguyen, Thanh HaoShort-Term Reservoir System Operation for Flood Mitigation with 1D Hydraulic Model
Effects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
Nguyen, Truong-HuyScale-Invariance Generalized Logistic (GLO) Model for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls in the Context of Climate Change
A Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
Nguyen, Van-Thanh-VanScale-Invariance Generalized Logistic (GLO) Model for Estimating Extreme Design Rainfalls in the Context of Climate Change
A Spatio-Temporal Statistical Downscaling Approach to Deriving Extreme Rainfall IDF Relations at Ungauged Sites in the Context of Climate Change
Nikolic, VladimirDevelopment of Decision Support Tool for Evaluation of Urban Water System Metabolism Efficiency
Nikolopoulos, DionysiosA Cellular Automata Urban Growth Model for Water Resources Strategic Planning
Nohara, DaisukeAssessment on Effects of Preliminary Release Operation of a Multi-purpose Reservoir Considering Ensemble Inflow Prediction
Noto, LeonardoObject-Based Image Analysis Technique for Gully Mapping Using Topographic Data at Very High Resolution (VHR)
Relationship Between Extreme Rainfall and Surface Temperature in Sicily (Italy)
Nouvel, Jean-FrançoisMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Ntegeka, VictorDevelopment of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
Nájera-Mota, NancySpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
O' Halloran, KelvinUsing Compensated Fluorescence Probes Data for Proactive Water Treatment Management
O'Brian, KarenQGIS FLO-2D Integration
O'Brien, James S.Predicting Accurate Urban Flooding from Nuisance Flows to Major Disasters
Ogawa, MarikoStudy on Optimization of the Operation of Dams Using Ensemble Prediction and a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model
Oh, Kyoung DooSeasonal and Spatial Variation of Seismic Activity due to Groundwater Fluctuation in South Korea
Oishi, SatoruStudy on Optimization of the Operation of Dams Using Ensemble Prediction and a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model
Olbert, AgnieszkaHigh Resolution Urban Flood Modelling: A Case Study of Cork City, Ireland
Oliveira, JosenaldeA Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
Oliveira, Leidjane Maria Maciel DeEvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
Omidyeganeh, MohammadLarge-Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Rigid Submerged Vegetation
Orasi, AriannaA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Orlandini, StefanoFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
Ortiz, FebeSpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Ota, KazuyukiDevelopment of a System for Practical Prediction of Flood and Debris Flow Throughout Japan
Pachés, MaríaEstimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
Paleari, OsvaldoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Panizo, LauraIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Pantusa, DanielaInfluence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
Papacharalampous, GeorgiaError Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
Paquin, DominiqueImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Park, HyoseonEstimation of NRW using Main Parameters of Water Distribution Systems
Park, JongtaeSerial Application of SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 to Predict Water Quality Dynamics in the Basin and Lake of the Yongdam Dam, Korea to Analyze Climate Change Effects
Park, SuwanDevelopment of a System Dynamics Computer Model for the Simulation of the Effects of an Alternate Water Source Development Project on the Water Supply Systems Management and Customer Satisfaction
Patel, Prem LalRainfall Trends over the Past Century for Tropical Climatic Region in Western India
Pedrozo Acuña, AdrianAdaptation and Resilience of Roads to Extreme Hydrological Events
Pedrozo-Acuña, AdriánAssessment of Irrigation Water Use Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data in Mexico’s Northeast
Pedrozo-Acuña, AdriánManaging Large Geodatasets for Urban Flood Risk Mapping: The Mexican Flood Risk Atlas
Z-R Law for Quantitative Rainfall Estimation Using a C-band Radar and a Network of Ground-Based Disdrometers
Novel Drought Hazard Monitoring Framework for Decision Support Under Data Scarcity
Pepe, VeronicaMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Pereira, AntónioA DSS for Operational Management of Wastewaters under Uncertain Conditions
Pereira, TatianeParameter Uncertainties Assessment in a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model Using Bayesian Paradigm
Perminov, AlekseyApproach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
Petitta, MarcelloA Multi-Hazard Extreme Climate Index across Europe
Petsiou, AmaliaHow to Adjust the fGn Stochastic Model for Statistical Bias when Handling a Single Time Series; Application to Annual Flood Inundation
Pettersen, JonasA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Pezzinga, GiuseppeOptimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
Pham, Van SyThe Effect of Lateral Boundary Conditions on Results of One-Way Nested Ocean Regional Circulation Model
Pianese, DomenicoMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Piascik, JeffRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
Piazza, StefaniaComparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
Piciaccia, Luca AbeleA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Picone, MarcoA Wave Measurements HF Radar Data Set in the Malta-Sicily Channel: Data Quality, Validation and Gap Filling
Pierro, JeanMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Pietroniro, AlainAssessing the Effect of Streamflow Estimation at Potential Station Locations In Entropy-Based Hydrometric Network Design
Piller, OlivierSpectral Analysis of Uncertainty in Water Age
Pinelli, AlfredoLarge-Eddy Simulation of Open-Channel Flow with Rigid Submerged Vegetation
Pinho, JoséA DSS for Operational Management of Wastewaters under Uncertain Conditions
Application of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Impact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Storm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
Comparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
Pinho, Tatiana M.A Sliding Mode-Based Predictive Strategy for Irrigation Canal Pools
Pinilla, VÍctor DamiÁnInfluence on the Distribution Function of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series when Filling Data Using Lagrange Interpolation
Pipitone, ClaudiaReservoir Monitoring Using Satellite SAR and GNSS: a Case Study in Southern Italy
Pisaturo, Giuseppe RobertoSediment Flushing from Reservoir and Ecological Impacts
Ponnambalam, KumaraswamyComparison of Two Data-Driven Streamflow Forecast Approaches in an Adaptive Optimal Reservoir Operation Model
Popescu, IoanaFlood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
Optimal Operation of Flood Storage Areas in Huai River Using Coupled HEC-RAS River Model and NSGAII Global Optimization Algorithm
Pothof, IvoModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
Poulin, AnnieImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Simulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Pranner, GeorgEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
Preciado, MargaritaInfluence on the Distribution Function of Annual Maximum Rainfall Series when Filling Data Using Lagrange Interpolation
Pregnolato, MariaTowards Integrating Modelling of Flood-Induced Bridge Failures
Prodanovic, DusanAdvanced Loop-flow Method for Fast Hydraulic Simulations
Prodanovic, PatShape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
Puig, VicençFactors Influencing the Simplified Quality Model Performance
Fault Tolerant Model Predictive Control Applied to Integrated Urban Drainage Systems for Environmental Protection
Distributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
Advanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
Puig-Pey, AnaAn Innovative ICT Solution for Sewer Systems
Puleo, ValeriaComparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
Puleo, ValeriaPressure Sensors Positioning for Leakages Detection under Uncertain Demands
Pumo, DarioRelationship Between Extreme Rainfall and Surface Temperature in Sicily (Italy)
Pérès, FrançoisUncertainty Analysis of a Temperature-Index Snowmelt Model Using Bayesian Networks
Qiu, QingtaiHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
Quan, JinNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
Quintiliani, ClaudiaPre-Conditioning Approach to Bayesian Decision Networks for Water Quality Sensors Positioning in Urban Drainage Systems
Radhakrishnan, MohanasundarExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
Raich, JordiOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Rajaoarisoa, LalaDistributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
Ramirez Orozco, Aldo I.Building a Nonlinear Relationship Between Dew Point Temperature and Precipitation to Apply a Method to Downscale GCMs Information: Case study in Santa Catarina River Basin, Monterrey
Rank, ErnstParallel Simulations of Shallow Water Solvers for Modelling Overland Flows
Ranzi, RobertoFlood Routing Efficiency Assessment: an Approach Using Bivariate Copulas
Detection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Rao, P. SureshTopographic Analysis of Wetlandscapes: Fractal Dimension and Scaling Properties
Rashupkina, ValentinaSimulation of Possible Scenarios of Precipitations on River Basin of Water Reservoir with Considerate of Climatic Change.
Raspati, Gema SaktiRisk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
Real-Rangel, Roberto A.Novel Drought Hazard Monitoring Framework for Decision Support Under Data Scarcity
Regan, FionaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Ren, LeiApplication of a Sequential Data Assimilation Technique to Improve Modeling of Surface Currents Using Radar Data at a Coastal Domain
Restrepo-Tarquino, InésTowards a Web Decision System Support for Planning Micro-Watershed Using Pressure-State-Response and Logic Fuzzy, Study Case in Colombia
Ribeiro, BernardeteCategorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
Ribeiro, LuísaLocating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
Ricci, SophieGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
Ridolfi, ElenaOptimizing the Selection of Cross Section Using Information Theory: a Case in the Magdalena River, Colombia
Ridolfi, LucaReal-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
Complex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
Centrality Metrics for Water Distribution Networks
Righetti, MaurizioSediment Flushing from Reservoir and Ecological Impacts
Riss, GeraldImproving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
Risva, KonstantinaA Cellular Automata Urban Growth Model for Water Resources Strategic Planning
Rodrigues, Diogo Francisco BorbaValidation of SMOS-IC Soil Moisture over Brazilian Semiarid Using in situ Measurements
EvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
Rodrigues, Tatiana Patrícia Nascimento Da SilvaEvapoCalc: An Android Application to Estimate Evapotranspiration by Different Methods
Rodriguez-Pinzon, Manuel J.On-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Rodriguez-Varela, José ManuelOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Rodríguez, Erasmo A.Multi-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia
Analysis of the Kernel Bandwidth Influence in the Double Smoothing Merging Algorithm to Improve Rainfall Fields in Poorly Gauged Basins
Use of Global Reanalysis Data in the Study of the Aridity Index in the Magdalena-Cauca Macro-Basin, Colombia
Rodríguez Varela, José ManuelPerception Analysis of Potable Water Service to Users
Romano, MicheleOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
Improving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
Prediction of CSO Chamber Level Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
Romero, InmaculadaEstimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
Romero, SergioIntegrated Water Resources Management in a Complex Reservoir System Through a Multipurpose DSS Tool
Romero-Lopez, RabindranarthImpacts of Regional Climate Model Spatial Resolution on Summer Flood Simulation
Simulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Estimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
Roostaee, MaryamUncertainty Analysis of Watershed-Based Flow and Water Quality Modelling with Different DEM Data Sources
Rosin, TaliaPrediction of CSO Chamber Level Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
Rouault, PascaleFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
Roux, HélèneUncertainty Analysis of a Temperature-Index Snowmelt Model Using Bayesian Networks
Ruelas Inzunza, ErnestoSimulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events under Tropical Conditions Using a Distributed Hydrological Model
Rufino, IanaDynamic Scenarios and Water Management Simulations: Towards to an Integrated Spatial Analysis Approach in Water Urban Planning
Rukhovich, OlgaApproach to Mitigation of Territory Inundation with Help of Flood Control by Small Water Reservoirs
Russwurm, IngridModelling Green Roof Detention Performance in Cold Climates
Rutten, MartineModel Predictive Control of Salinity and Water Level in a Hypothetical Polder Ditch: Is it Possible to Use the Discretized Linearized Physical Equations for Optimization
Ryfors, PiaA Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Control Parameters in WWTP: the VEAS Experience in Scandinavia
Sadr, Seyed M. K.Development and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
Emerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
Sahli, AliA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
Saito, HirokiAssessment on Effects of Preliminary Release Operation of a Multi-purpose Reservoir Considering Ensemble Inflow Prediction
Sakuraba, MasaakiApplicability of the Deep Learning Flood Forecast Model Against the Inexperienced Magnitude of Flood
Salem, AliModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
Sambito, MariacrocettaComparison Between Diffusive and Advective Approach in Quality Analysis of a Real Distribution Network
Pre-Conditioning Approach to Bayesian Decision Networks for Water Quality Sensors Positioning in Urban Drainage Systems
Sanchez Ferragut, JaimeRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
Sander, GrahamMicrowave Waste Water Meter: A New Sensing Principle for Flow Measurement in Partially Full Pipes
Sanders, Brett F.Tapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Sanfeliu, AlbertoAn Innovative ICT Solution for Sewer Systems
Sanfilippo, LucaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Santonastaso, Giovanni FrancescoResilience Analysis in the Permanent Partitioning of a Water Distribution Network
An Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
Santonastaso, Giovanni FrancescoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Sensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
Santopietro, SimoneA Tool for Daily Demand Pattern Generation
The Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Probability of Null Water Demand Characterization
Santos, CelsoVariability of Rainfall in the Semi-Arid Region of Brazil
Santos, GermánChaotic Statistical Downscaling (CSD): Application and Comparison in the Bogotá River Basin
Development of a Water Resources Distribution and Management Tool (SPEHR); Applied
Santos, KarlaDynamic Scenarios and Water Management Simulations: Towards to an Integrated Spatial Analysis Approach in Water Urban Planning
Santos, LaraStorm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
Sarhosis, VasilisTowards Integrating Modelling of Flood-Induced Bridge Failures
Sato, KoichiUtilization and Validation of Hydraulic Formula to Optimize Pipeline Diameter in Waterworks~Downsizing of Water Facilities to Prepare for Decrease in Water Demand due to Population Decline~
Sato, TakahiroDevelopment of a System for Practical Prediction of Flood and Debris Flow Throughout Japan
Savic, DraganExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
Optimization of the Midterm Electricity Generation Mix Considering the Effects of Water, Land and Carbon Footprints
On-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
The Nile System Dynamics Model for Water-Food-Energy Nexus Assessment
SIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Comparison of Accuracy of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kriging Methods for Estimating Chlorine Concentration
Analysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
Interactive Visualisation of Water Distribution Network Optimisation
A Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Using a Particle Based Simulation to Visualize Sub-Catchments Contribution to Localized Flooding
Development and Application of a User-Friendly Decision Support Tool for Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Technologies in India
The Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Decision Making Methods for Water Resources Planning in England and Wales
Emerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
Integrated Model for Water, Food, Energy and Human Development
Towards Interactive Evolution: A Distributed Optimiser for Multi-Objective Water Distribution Network Design
Sawodny, OliverOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Scala, AntonioSensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks based on Spectral Algorithms
Scarcella, Graziella EmanuelaFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Schoebitz, LarsRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
Schubert, JochenTapping the Power of Shallow-Water Models for Flood Hazard Mapping
Schwanenberg, DirkShort-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization
Scolaro, IgnazioValidation of a Model for Operation Optimization of a Regional Water Supply System
Scozzari, AndreaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Seabra Santos, FernandoApplication of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Impact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Searle, RossTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
Federating and Harmonising Disparate Soil Moisture Data Sources
Seelam, Jai SankarOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Capitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
Segovia, PauDistributed Input-Delay Model Predictive Control of Inland Waterways
Seidou, OusmaneSpatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling of a Western Africa Basin
Selseth, IngridRisk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
Senatore, AlfonsoInfluence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
Seo, DongilSerial Application of SWAT and CE-QUAL-W2 to Predict Water Quality Dynamics in the Basin and Lake of the Yongdam Dam, Korea to Analyze Climate Change Effects
Seo, Il WonTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Meandering Channels
Prediction of Water Quality Variation Affected by Tributary Inputs in large Rivers Using ANN Model
Sergent, PhilippeGlobal Sensitivity Analysis for the Gironde Estuary Hydrodynamics with TELEMAC2D
Serra, GuillaumeMultispectral Approach Assessment for Detection of Losses in Water Transmission Systems by Airborne Remote Sensing
Shang, YiziAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Shang, YiziA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Shao, WeiweiModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
A Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
Water Energy Nexus in Urban Water Resources Allocation: A Case Study of Jinan City
Shao, WeiweiApplication System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
Sharifian, Mohammad KazemAdaptive Multi-Scale Shallow Flow Model: a Wavelet-Based Formulation
Sharma, PriyankRainfall Trends over the Past Century for Tropical Climatic Region in Western India
Shaw, JamesAdaptive Multi-Scale Shallow Flow Model: a Wavelet-Based Formulation
Shawwash, ZiadRisk Informed Decision-Making Framework for Operating Reservoirs Under Flooding Conditions: Accounting for Uncertainty and Risk
Shein, EvgenyAssessment of Surface Moisture in the Catchment Area on the Base of Modelling the Hydrological Properties of Soils
Shi, XiaoruiInvestigating the Complexity of Runoff Series in the Yangtze River Using Sample Entropy
Shih, Dong-SinEnsemble Numerical Modeling Approach with Social Network Information to Optimize Flood Forecasting
Shin, JaehyunTwo-Dimensional Modeling of Flow and Contaminant Transport in Meandering Channels
Shishido, YoshinoriUtilization and Validation of Hydraulic Formula to Optimize Pipeline Diameter in Waterworks~Downsizing of Water Facilities to Prepare for Decrease in Water Demand due to Population Decline~
Shrestha, ShreedeepyHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Shu, LiuResearch and Development of Flood Control Operation System of Beijing City, China
Silva, FernandoApplication of Routine Calibration of Real Water Supply Network with Adjustment of Demand Roughness Parameters Driven by Applied Pressure Real Network of Brazil
Analysis of Hypothetical Water Distribution Network from the Application of Three Calibration Optimization Algorithms Applying the Genetic Algorithms
Silvagni, GuglielmoA Tool for Daily Demand Pattern Generation
Simone, AntoniettaA Teaching Experiment Using a Serious Game for WDNs Sizing
Complex Network Theory for Water Distribution Networks Analysis
Centrality Metrics for Water Distribution Networks
Simons, FranzEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
Simons, FranzOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Simões, NunoCategorisation of Urban Water Consumptions
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Impact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Sinagra, MarcoOptimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
Singh, Vijay P.Entropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
Spatial-Temporal Evaluation of Rain-Fauge Network Based on Entropy Theory
Singh, W. RahulComparison of Various Reanalyses Gridded Data with Observed Data from Meteorological Stations over India
Skoulikaris, HarisConsidering Water Footprint in Reservoir Adaptation to Climate Change: an Evolutionary Approach
Slowik, MarcinModeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in an Oxbow of the Drava Floodplain
Smith, DavidExtracting Value From Complex High-Frequency Multivariate Water Quality Data: Exploring Routinely Collected Operational Data
Soldovieri, FrancescoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Solis Duran, BorjaModelling the N2O Emissions in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants under Dynamic Conditions
Solomatine, DimitriFlood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
Hydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Exploring the Use of the Three Rainfall Remote Sensing Products for Flood Prediction in the Brahmaputra Basin
Solomatine, DimitriIntelligent Drought Tracking for its Use in Machine Learning: Implementation and First Results
Solomatine, DimitriAn Approach for Urban Catchment Model Updating
Sommer, AshleyTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
Federating and Harmonising Disparate Soil Moisture Data Sources
Sonnenberg, HaukeFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
Sousa, JoaquimOptimal District Metered Area Design by Simulated Annealing
Influence of Climate Change on the Optimization of Water Supply Systems
Water Distribution Network Reliability: are Surrogate Measures Reliable?
Locating Unreported Leaks with Modelling Tools and Pressure Monitoring: a Case Study
Spano, DonatellaImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Stanic, MilosAdvanced Loop-flow Method for Fast Hydraulic Simulations
Staszek, DamianDecision Making Methods for Water Resources Planning in England and Wales
Stenson, MatthewTechnical Breakdown of a Time-Series Data Federation System
Federating and Harmonising Disparate Soil Moisture Data Sources
Stewart, DaveAnalysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
Stewart, DaveA Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Stewart, RodneyUsing Compensated Fluorescence Probes Data for Proactive Water Treatment Management
Strehl, ClemensFinding Cost-Effective Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen Using Extensive Climate, Economic and Spatial Data
Sun, CongcongFactors Influencing the Simplified Quality Model Performance
Advanced Integrated Real-Time Control of Combined Urban Drainage Systems using MPC: Badalona Case Study
Susnik, JanezSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Sušnik, JanezImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Tahara, ToshihikoStudy on Optimization of the Operation of Dams Using Ensemble Prediction and a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model
Talsma, JanModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
Tapoglou, EvdokiaUncertainty Estimations in Different Components of a Hybrid ANN - Fuzzy - Kriging Model for Water Table Level Simulation
Tassi, PabloUncertainty Quantification in 2D Morphodynamic Model: Application to the Gironde Estuary.
Tassi, PabloShape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
Tay, Serene Hui XinImproving Water Level Forecast of an Oceanographic Model in Malacca Strait Based on Data-Driven Open Boundary Correction
Temino-Boes, ReginaEstimation of the Effect of Sewage Nitrogen Discharges on Coastal Waters: Case Study from the Mediterranean Sea
Termini, DonatellaSimulation of Scouring Process Downstream of a Hydraulic Structure and Analysis of the Effect of Vegetation
Estimation of Velocity Profile in a Hyper-Concentrated Flow: a Critical Analysis of Bagnold Equation
Tezel, UlasWeekly Flow Prediction of Ergene River Using an Artificial Neural Network Based Solution Approach
Thirel, GuillaumeairGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology
Thorenz, CarstenEnhancing Automated Water Level Control at Navigable Waterways by High-Resolution Weather Predictions
Thorenz, CarstenOn Migrating to Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies at the Moselle River
Tian, JiyangHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
A Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Doppler Radar Data Assimilation for Mesoscale Numerical Rainfall Prediction
Todeschini, SaraHydrological Modelling of the Cascina Scala Catchment
Todini, EzioMatrix Formulation of Steady/Unsteady-State Models in Complex Pressurized Pipe Systems.
Tomirotti, MassimoDetection of Rainfall and Runoff Trends of the Adda River in Lecco (1845-2014) at Different Time Scales
Torres, AndresFrom CCTV Data to Strategic Planning: Deterioration Modelling for Large Sewer Networks in Germany and Colombia
Toyoda, YasushiDevelopment of a System for Practical Prediction of Flood and Debris Flow Throughout Japan
Trabucco, AntonioSIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Trabucco, AntonioImpact of Climate Change on Irrigated Agriculture in Sardinia Region
Tran, Dung TienA Study of the Average Flow in Open Channel with Baffle Blocks Distributed Uniformly
Tricarico, CarlaA Tool for Daily Demand Pattern Generation
The Water Tariff in a WDS Rehabilitation
Probability of Null Water Demand Characterization
Tucciarelli, TullioOptimal Design of Water Pipeline and Micro-Hydro Turbine by Genetic Algorithm
Tuccinardi, Francesco PaoloOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
An Advanced Software to Manage a Smart Water Network with Innovative Metrics and Tools Based on Social Network Theory
Turchetto, MassimilianoMulti-GPU Implementation of 2D Shallow Water Equation Code with Block Uniform Quad-Tree Grids
Tyralis, HristosError Evolution Patterns in Multi-Step Ahead Streamflow Forecasting
Tzatchkov, VelitchkoOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Tügel, FranziskaFlash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
Ugarelli, RitaRisk Assessment and Development of Maintenance Strategy for Pipe Rehabilitation Using WDNetXL
STOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Ugay, ReyneHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
Utada, HarukaUtilization and Validation of Hydraulic Formula to Optimize Pipeline Diameter in Waterworks~Downsizing of Water Facilities to Prepare for Decrease in Water Demand due to Population Decline~
Uysal, GökçenShort-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization
Vacca, AndreaNumerical Simulation of a Dam-Break Wave Propagating Over an Erodible Floodplain in Presence of a Structure
Vacondio, RenatoMulti-GPU Implementation of 2D Shallow Water Equation Code with Block Uniform Quad-Tree Grids
Vaes, GuidoCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, LydiaOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
SIM4NEXUS – Coupling a System Dynamic Model with Serious Gaming for Policy Analysis
Analysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
A Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Using a Particle Based Simulation to Visualize Sub-Catchments Contribution to Localized Flooding
Van Lanen, Henny A.J.Intelligent Drought Tracking for its Use in Machine Learning: Implementation and First Results
Vansteenkiste, ThomasCollaborative Development of High Resolution Pluvial Flood Maps for Flanders
Vargas-Franco, VivianaTowards a Web Decision System Support for Planning Micro-Watershed Using Pressure-State-Response and Logic Fuzzy, Study Case in Colombia
Varouchakis, Emmanouil A.Uncertainty Estimations in Different Components of a Hybrid ANN - Fuzzy - Kriging Model for Water Table Level Simulation
Varra, GiadaMultiple Solutions for the Riemann Problem in the Porous Shallow Water Equations
Vasilic, ZeljkoAdvanced Loop-flow Method for Fast Hydraulic Simulations
Vega-Viviescas, CarolinaMulti-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia
Use of Global Reanalysis Data in the Study of the Aridity Index in the Magdalena-Cauca Macro-Basin, Colombia
Velazquez, ItzelGeneration of Daily Synthetic Series of Inflow Volume to the Las Cruces Dam, Nay., Mexico, Using the Svanidze Method
Veliev, IlyyasFlood Control by Water Reservoir with Account of Runoff Forecast
Velotta, RaffaeleOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Veltri, PaoloComparison Between Calibration and Sensitivity Approach in Water Network Management in Emergency Conditions
Venticinque, SalvatoreOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Venturini, André B.Flood Modelling and Citizen Observatories: Analysing Pathways for Data Collection in the Sontea-Fortuna Case Study
Venâncio, StênioApplication of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Versace, PasqualeFloodbook: a Social Platform for Flood Hydrology
Vertommen, InaPractical Application of Optimization Techniques to Drinking Water Distribution Problems
Vervoort, WillemUncertainty Analysis of a Temperature-Index Snowmelt Model Using Bayesian Networks
Vesipa, RiccardoReal-Time Measurement Fault Detection and Remote-Control in a Mountain Water Supply System
Viccione, GiacomoExperimental and Numerical Analysis of the Hydraulic Performance of Filtering Cartridges for Water Treatment
Vieira, BarbaraApplication of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
Comparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
Vieira, JoseA DSS for Operational Management of Wastewaters under Uncertain Conditions
Application of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Impact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Vieira, LuisApplication of Delft3d for Designing and Assessing New Solutions to Improve Sediment Input to an Erosion Prone Coast
Application of Hydroinformatic Tools for Reservoirs Discharges Rules Assessment During a Flood Event
Impact of Sediments and Constructions on River Flooding in Coimbra, Portugal
Storm Surge Assessment Methodology Based on Numerical Modelling
Comparison of 1DH and 2DH Mathematical Models for Modelling Wave Hydrodynamics in Ofir Beach
Viero, Daniele PietroMeandering Evolution and Width Variation, a Physics-Statistical Based Modeling Approach
Visanji, ZaraEmerging Pollutants in Developing Countries: Optimising Sustainable Treatment Solutions
Vreeken, TjerkModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
Vu, Huy CongEffects of Climate Change on Streamflow in Kon – Ha Thanh River Watershed, Vietnam
Waimbo, Korinus NixonIntegrated Model for Water, Food, Energy and Human Development
Walker, DavidInteractive Visualisation of Water Distribution Network Optimisation
Visualising the Operation of Evolutionary Algorithms Optimising Water Distribution Network Design Problems
Towards Interactive Evolution: A Distributed Optimiser for Multi-Objective Water Distribution Network Design
Wang, DongEntropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
Spatial-Temporal Evaluation of Rain-Fauge Network Based on Entropy Theory
Investigating the Complexity of Runoff Series in the Yangtze River Using Sample Entropy
Wang, GuangqianVegetation Change Analyses Considering Climate Variables and Anthropogenic Variables in the Three-River Headwaters Region
Wang, HaoApplication System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
Water Energy Nexus in Urban Water Resources Allocation: A Case Study of Jinan City
Wang, JianA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
Wang, JianhuaImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Wang, LizhenAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Wang, LizhenSimulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
Wang, MinModelling Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cyanobacteria Abundance in Lakes by Integrating Cellular Automata and Genetic Programming
Wang, QingmingAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Application of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
Wang, TianA Proposed Implicit Friction Source Term Treatment for Simulating Overland Flow
Wang, WenqiSpatial-Temporal Evaluation of Rain-Fauge Network Based on Entropy Theory
Wang, XuanImproving Water Level Forecast of an Oceanographic Model in Malacca Strait Based on Data-Driven Open Boundary Correction
Wang, YaliA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Wang, YaliChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Wang, YangHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
Wang, YuankunEntropy Based Multicriterion Evaluation for Rainfall Monitoring Networks under the Impact of Discretization
Spatial-Temporal Evaluation of Rain-Fauge Network Based on Entropy Theory
Investigating the Complexity of Runoff Series in the Yangtze River Using Sample Entropy
Wang, ZhiliNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
Watson, TimOptimising Demand Reduction in Water Utilities
Weber, AlisonRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
Weijs, Steven V.Extracting High Resolution Snow Distribution Information with Inexpensive Autonomous Cameras
Wen, XuehongStudy on Design Specification of Water Allocation Projects’ Information System
Willems, PatrickA Data-Driven Hybrid Urban Flood Modelling Approach
Development of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
Wolfs, VincentDevelopment of a Fast Urban Flood Model for Real-Time Applications
Wong, JeffRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
Wood, MichaelAnalysing the Cascading Effects on Critical Infrastructure in Torbay Coastal/Pluvial Flooding with Climate Change
Wood, MichaelA Serious Game to Explore Different Flooding Scenarios and their Respective Effects on Infrastructures
Woodward, KevinOptimal Sensor Placement and Leak/Burst Localisation in a Water Distribution System Using Spatially-Constrained Inverse-Distance Weighted Interpolation
Improving Detection of Events at Water Treatment Works: A UK Case Study
Prediction of CSO Chamber Level Using Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
Woolley, StuartRemote Sensing, Mobile Applications and Open Data Science Tools for Better Monitoring of Sanitation Systems
Wouters, Johannus WilhelmusOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
Capitalizing RFID Technology as Cost-Effective Real-Time Process Monitoring Tool in Wastewater Treatment: Two Case Studies
Wu, XuefeiStudy of Pollutant Transport in Environmental Flows Using Depth-Averaged Random Walk Method
Xenochristou, MariaSmart Water Demand Forecasting: Learning from the Data
Xia, XilinDrainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
Xia, XilinHigh-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling of Storm Induced Floods at a Catchment Scale
Xiang, ChenyaoModeling of Urban Flood in Xiamen Island, China
Xiao, WenDrainage Network Modelling with a Novel Algorithm for Junction Calculation
Xiaoming, JiangReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Xiaoyan, HeReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Xichao, GaoPUBs for Engineering Purpose: Framework Development and Case Study
Xiong, YanSimulation of Floating Debris in Violent Shallow Flows
Xu, JianResearch and Design of Hydrological Big-data Sharing Platform
Xuan, YunqingImproving River Flow Simulation Using a Coupled Surface-Groundwater Model for Integrated Water Resources Management
Parameter Selection for Phase Space Reconstruction in Hydrological Series and Rationality Analysis of its Chaotic Characteristics
Yan, DenghuaA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
Yang, FanStudy of Pollutant Transport in Environmental Flows Using Depth-Averaged Random Walk Method
Yang, GuiyuA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
Application System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
Water Energy Nexus in Urban Water Resources Allocation: A Case Study of Jinan City
Yang, QiA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
Yang, ZhaohuiA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
Yang, ZhaohuiApplication System for Integrated Water and Water Environment Management in the Hai River Basin
Yang, ZhaohuiWater Energy Nexus in Urban Water Resources Allocation: A Case Study of Jinan City
Yao, QiulingChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Young, AdeleExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
Yousefi, PeymanEstimating High Resolution Temporal Scale of Water Demand Time Series – Disaggregation Approach (Case Study)
Yu, FuliangHydrological Model Calibration in Data-Limited Catchments Using Non-Continuous Data Series with Different Lengths
Doppler Radar Data Assimilation for Mesoscale Numerical Rainfall Prediction
Yun, Se HunPrediction of Water Quality Variation Affected by Tributary Inputs in large Rivers Using ANN Model
Yussof, Nik YusaimiN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
Zainol, ZurinaN-HyDAA - Big Data Analytics for Malaysia Climate Change Knowledge Management
Zamora, David A.Multi-Structure Hydrological Ensemble to Improve Flow Daily Prediction in the Sumapaz River Basin, Colombia
Analysis of the Kernel Bandwidth Influence in the Double Smoothing Merging Algorithm to Improve Rainfall Fields in Poorly Gauged Basins
Use of Global Reanalysis Data in the Study of the Aridity Index in the Magdalena-Cauca Macro-Basin, Colombia
Zaoui, FabriceShape Optimization of Hydraulic Structures: an Example of an Optimum Design of a Fish Passage
Zevenbergen, ChrisExtreme Flooding in Alexandria: Can Anticipatory Flood Management be a Solution?
Zevnik, JurePartition of Water Distribution Networks into District Metered Areas Using a Graph Theoretical Approach
Zhai, JiaqiApplication of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
Zhai, XiaoyanA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
Zhang, DaweiNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
Zhang, HaixingA Study of Public Safety Engineering Projects for the Improvement of Drinking Water Quality in Northwestern China — an Example from Shanshan County, Xinjiang
Zhang, HongbinNumerical Simulation of Overland Flows Using Godunov Scheme Based on Finite Volume Method
Zhang, HuiliChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Zhang, JingxinA 3D Hydrodynamic Model for Shallow Water Flow Through a Circular Patch of Emergent Cylinders
Zhang, XiaoleiA Parallel Flood Forecasting and Warning Platform Based on HPC Clusters
China National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Zhang, YangweiNumerical Simulation of the Land use Effect on Catchment Flood Mitigation
Zhang, ZaihongPredicting Bacterial Levels in Recreational Beach Waters along U.S. Gulf Coast
Zhao, JiahengA Proposed Implicit Friction Source Term Treatment for Simulating Overland Flow
A Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
Zhao, WenqianPIV Analysis of Cavitating Flow Behind Square Multi-Orifice Plates
Zhao, YongImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Simulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
Zhao, YongAssessment of Water Demand for Bioethanol Production from Biomass in China
Zhao, YongApplication of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
Zhe, SunOptimal Operation of Flood Storage Areas in Huai River Using Coupled HEC-RAS River Model and NSGAII Global Optimization Algorithm
Zhiyong, YangPUBs for Engineering Purpose: Framework Development and Case Study
Zhongbo, ZhangReal-Time Flood Forecasting and Regulation System of Poyanghu Lake Basin in China
Zhou, RongChina National Flash Flood Disasters Investigation and Assessment
Zhu, YongnanImpact of Water Supply on Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
Zhu, YongnanApplication of Intelligent Water Network in Water Resource Management: Framework And Case
Zhu, YongnanSimulation of Water Cycle Changes in the Yellow River Basin under Changing Conditions
Zimmermann, LisaSTOP-IT - Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of Water Infrastructure Against Cyber-Physical Threats
Zingali, LorenzoMulti Criteria Decision Analysis to Set the Priority of Interventions in Water Distribution Systems
Zouabi, AdelA Contribution to an Advisory Plan for Integrated Irrigation Water Management at Nebhana Dam System: from Research to Operational Support
de Marinis, GiovanniA Tool for Daily Demand Pattern Generation
de Oliveira, Guilherme FranklinUsing Compensated Fluorescence Probes Data for Proactive Water Treatment Management
van Andel, Schalk JanHydrological and Erosion Modelling of the Brahmaputra Basin Using Global Datasets
van Esch, BartModel Predictive Control of a River Reach with Weirs
van Laarhoven, KarelPractical Application of Optimization Techniques to Drinking Water Distribution Problems
van Nooijen, Ronald R. P.Graph Theory Algorithms for Real Time Control of a Sewer Network
van Rijn, MartinOn-line Measuring Sensors for Smart Water Network Monitoring
van Thienen, PeterPractical Application of Optimization Techniques to Drinking Water Distribution Problems
van der Steen, PeterFramework to Identify Optimal Configurations of (De)Centralised Wastewater Systems, in Abu Dis, West Bank
Özcan, CansuAssessment of Hydromorphological Characteristics in Sakarya Watershed, Turkey
Özgen, IlhanFlash Flood Simulations Based on Shallow Water Equations to Investigate Protection Measures for El Gouna, Egypt
A Proposed Implicit Friction Source Term Treatment for Simulating Overland Flow
A Novel Slope Failure Operator for a Non-Equilibrium Sediment Transport Model
A Grid Convergence Study for the Integral Porosity Shallow Water Model on Unstructured Triangular Meshes
Şensoy, AynurShort-Term Control of a Storage Hydropower under Flood Risk by Multi-Stage Stochastic Optimization