SEDE 2021: Keyword Index

AnalyticsVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
AntarcticaStudying the COVID-19 Impact on the Antarctic Glacier Melting Rate
anthropologyAnthroFace: Requirements, Design, and Implementation
Approximate Query ProcessingOptimized Bootstrap Sampling for σ-AQP Error Estimation: A Pilot Study
ARIMAStudying the COVID-19 Impact on the Antarctic Glacier Melting Rate
Attention levelEstimating Attention Level from Blinks and Head Movement
attractivenessComparing Blockchain Platforms for Smart Contracts: A Preliminary Framework
AuthenticationVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
automated source code generationAutomated Generation of Stand-Alone Codes for Software Libraries
BERTImplementation of BERT based machine learning model to extract cancer-miRNA relationship from research literature
Blink DetectionEstimating Attention Level from Blinks and Head Movement
BlockchainComparing Blockchain Platforms for Smart Contracts: A Preliminary Framework
bootstrap samplingOptimized Bootstrap Sampling for σ-AQP Error Estimation: A Pilot Study
cancerImplementation of BERT based machine learning model to extract cancer-miRNA relationship from research literature
Chrome ExtensionDeveloping a Google Chrome Extension for Detecting Phishing Emails
ClassifierDeveloping a Google Chrome Extension for Detecting Phishing Emails
Computer ScienceUsing Virtual Reality and Machine Learning Techniques to Visualize the Human Spine
cyberinfrastructureAutomated Generation of Stand-Alone Codes for Software Libraries
dataVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
databaseVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
DBKnot: A Transparent and Seamless, Pluggable, Tamper Evident Database
detectionDeveloping a Google Chrome Extension for Detecting Phishing Emails
DjangoVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
document processingVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
error assessmentOptimized Bootstrap Sampling for σ-AQP Error Estimation: A Pilot Study
ETLModel Checking Mutual Inclusion and Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
ETL (Extract Transform Load)VS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
extreme event splitUsing Virtual Reality and Machine Learning Techniques to Visualize the Human Spine
Feature-based LearningSeparated Feature Learning for Music Composition Using Memory-Based NNs
File I/OTranslating a Large Software from C# to C++: An Experience Report
ForecastingStudying the COVID-19 Impact on the Antarctic Glacier Melting Rate
geoscienceStudying the COVID-19 Impact on the Antarctic Glacier Melting Rate
Gradient Boosting RegressorUsing Virtual Reality and Machine Learning Techniques to Visualize the Human Spine
Hash chainingDBKnot: A Transparent and Seamless, Pluggable, Tamper Evident Database
Internet of ThingsAutomated Light System in Smart Home for Elderly and Disabled People Using Mosquitto Server
JavaScriptDeveloping a Google Chrome Extension for Detecting Phishing Emails
landmarkEstimating Attention Level from Blinks and Head Movement
low frame rate videoEstimating Attention Level from Blinks and Head Movement
machine learningImplementation of BERT based machine learning model to extract cancer-miRNA relationship from research literature
Using Virtual Reality and Machine Learning Techniques to Visualize the Human Spine
memory-based learningSeparated Feature Learning for Music Composition Using Memory-Based NNs
miRNAImplementation of BERT based machine learning model to extract cancer-miRNA relationship from research literature
Mosquitto serverAutomated Light System in Smart Home for Elderly and Disabled People Using Mosquitto Server
MQTTAutomated Light System in Smart Home for Elderly and Disabled People Using Mosquitto Server
music compositionSeparated Feature Learning for Music Composition Using Memory-Based NNs
mutual exclusionModel Checking Mutual Inclusion and Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
mutual inclusionModel Checking Mutual Inclusion and Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
network scienceAutomated Generation of Stand-Alone Codes for Software Libraries
neural networksSeparated Feature Learning for Music Composition Using Memory-Based NNs
performance evaluationTranslating a Large Software from C# to C++: An Experience Report
Phishing emailsDeveloping a Google Chrome Extension for Detecting Phishing Emails
quality evaluationComparing Blockchain Platforms for Smart Contracts: A Preliminary Framework
query estimationOptimized Bootstrap Sampling for σ-AQP Error Estimation: A Pilot Study
SecurityDBKnot: A Transparent and Seamless, Pluggable, Tamper Evident Database
smart contractComparing Blockchain Platforms for Smart Contracts: A Preliminary Framework
Smart HomeAutomated Light System in Smart Home for Elderly and Disabled People Using Mosquitto Server
software designAnthroFace: Requirements, Design, and Implementation
Software librariesAutomated Generation of Stand-Alone Codes for Software Libraries
software requirementsAnthroFace: Requirements, Design, and Implementation
software translationTranslating a Large Software from C# to C++: An Experience Report
system designAutomated Light System in Smart Home for Elderly and Disabled People Using Mosquitto Server
system developmentAutomated Light System in Smart Home for Elderly and Disabled People Using Mosquitto Server
Systemd-nspawnVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
Tamper EvidentDBKnot: A Transparent and Seamless, Pluggable, Tamper Evident Database
text miningDeveloping a Google Chrome Extension for Detecting Phishing Emails
Implementation of BERT based machine learning model to extract cancer-miRNA relationship from research literature
time seriesStudying the COVID-19 Impact on the Antarctic Glacier Melting Rate
Token based model checkingModel Checking Mutual Inclusion and Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
TrackingVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
UPPAALModel Checking Mutual Inclusion and Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
user interfaceAnthroFace: Requirements, Design, and Implementation
Veteran ServicesVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
Virtual RealityUsing Virtual Reality and Machine Learning Techniques to Visualize the Human Spine
visualizationVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program
web applicationVS-TAP: Veteran Services Tracking and Analytics Program