SUMO2019: Keyword Index

Adaptive Cruise ControlTesting an Adaptive Cruise Controller with coupled traffic and driving simulations
Adaptive Traffic ControlPedestrian-Friendly Traffic Signal Control Using SUMO
Controlling a real-world intersection with connected vehicle information provided by CAMs (Cooperative Awareness Messages)
Automated connected vehiclesControlling a real-world intersection with connected vehicle information provided by CAMs (Cooperative Awareness Messages)
automated vehiclesFrom Automated to Manual - Modeling Control Transitions with SUMO
AutomationAnticipating Automated Vehicle Presence and the Effects on Interactions with Conventional Traffic and Infrastructure
autonomous vehiclesCoupling SUMO with a Motion Planning Framework for Automated Vehicles
behaviour modellingAnalyzing the behavior of bicyclists using a bicycle simulator with a coupled SUMO and DYNA4 simulated environment
Bicycle Infrastructure ModellingModelling Bicycle Infrastructure in SUMO
Bicycle simulatorAnalyzing the behavior of bicyclists using a bicycle simulator with a coupled SUMO and DYNA4 simulated environment
Bicycle Traffic SimulationModelling Bicycle Infrastructure in SUMO
BicyclistsAnalyzing the behavior of bicyclists using a bicycle simulator with a coupled SUMO and DYNA4 simulated environment
capacity of train stationsInvestigation of the capacity of train stations in case of a large-scale emergency evacuation
Car-following modelFrom Automated to Manual - Modeling Control Transitions with SUMO
Car2XControlling a real-world intersection with connected vehicle information provided by CAMs (Cooperative Awareness Messages)
Circuit Network SolverA Vehicle Device Tailored for Hybrid Trolleybuses and Overhead Wires Implementation in SUMO
Connected VehiclesBridging the Gap between SUMO & Kuksa: Using A Traffic Simulator for Testing Cloud-based Connected Vehicle Services
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise ControlEmission Effects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: A Simulation Case Using SUMO
Coupled simulatorsAnalyzing the behavior of bicyclists using a bicycle simulator with a coupled SUMO and DYNA4 simulated environment
crisis managementCo-simulation of vehicles and crowds for rescue trials
crossing schedulingSUMO Based Platform for Cooperative Intelligent Automotive Agents
driver modelCo-simulation of the virtual vehicle in virtual traffic considering tactical driver decisions
Introducing Road Surface Conditions into a Microscopic Traffic Simulation
driving performanceFrom Automated to Manual - Modeling Control Transitions with SUMO
driving simulatorTesting an Adaptive Cruise Controller with coupled traffic and driving simulations
Electrification of Public TransportA Vehicle Device Tailored for Hybrid Trolleybuses and Overhead Wires Implementation in SUMO
EmissionsEmission Effects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: A Simulation Case Using SUMO
gridlockReinforcement Learning Agent under Partial Observability for Traffic Light Control in Presence of Gridlocks
gridlock detectionRecurrent and Non-recurrent Congestion Based Gridlock Detection on Chula-SSS Urban Road Network
Hybrid TrolleybusA Vehicle Device Tailored for Hybrid Trolleybuses and Overhead Wires Implementation in SUMO
InfrastructureAnticipating Automated Vehicle Presence and the Effects on Interactions with Conventional Traffic and Infrastructure
intelligent traffic control systemsSUMO Based Platform for Cooperative Intelligent Automotive Agents
InteroperabilityCo-simulation of vehicles and crowds for rescue trials
IoTBridging the Gap between SUMO & Kuksa: Using A Traffic Simulator for Testing Cloud-based Connected Vehicle Services
large-scale emergency evacuationInvestigation of the capacity of train stations in case of a large-scale emergency evacuation
Large-scale Mobility ScenarioDEMO - A Simulation Framework for Multi-modal Commuting and Parking Optimization.
MobilityBridging the Gap between SUMO & Kuksa: Using A Traffic Simulator for Testing Cloud-based Connected Vehicle Services
motion planningCoupling SUMO with a Motion Planning Framework for Automated Vehicles
multiagent simulation platformSUMO Based Platform for Cooperative Intelligent Automotive Agents
Overhead wiresA Vehicle Device Tailored for Hybrid Trolleybuses and Overhead Wires Implementation in SUMO
Parking optimizationDEMO - A Simulation Framework for Multi-modal Commuting and Parking Optimization.
partial observabilityReinforcement Learning Agent under Partial Observability for Traffic Light Control in Presence of Gridlocks
pedestrian simulationInvestigation of the capacity of train stations in case of a large-scale emergency evacuation
Pedestrian trafficPedestrian-Friendly Traffic Signal Control Using SUMO
platooningSUMO Based Platform for Cooperative Intelligent Automotive Agents
Reinforcement LearningReinforcement Learning Agent under Partial Observability for Traffic Light Control in Presence of Gridlocks
Road Surface ConditionsIntroducing Road Surface Conditions into a Microscopic Traffic Simulation
self-organizing trafficModelling green waves for emergency vehicles using connected traffic data
simulationBridging the Gap between SUMO & Kuksa: Using A Traffic Simulator for Testing Cloud-based Connected Vehicle Services
Anticipating Automated Vehicle Presence and the Effects on Interactions with Conventional Traffic and Infrastructure
simulation couplingTesting an Adaptive Cruise Controller with coupled traffic and driving simulations
Simulation of Urban MobilitySUMO Based Platform for Cooperative Intelligent Automotive Agents
Smart CarsSUMO Based Platform for Cooperative Intelligent Automotive Agents
smart mobilityPedestrian-Friendly Traffic Signal Control Using SUMO
software architectureBridging the Gap between SUMO & Kuksa: Using A Traffic Simulator for Testing Cloud-based Connected Vehicle Services
state estimationLow-dimensional estimation and prediction framework for description of the oscillatory traffic dynamics
SUMOEmission Effects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: A Simulation Case Using SUMO
Pedestrian-Friendly Traffic Signal Control Using SUMO
Modelling Bicycle Infrastructure in SUMO
SUMO Vehicle DeviceA Vehicle Device Tailored for Hybrid Trolleybuses and Overhead Wires Implementation in SUMO
takeoverFrom Automated to Manual - Modeling Control Transitions with SUMO
traffic and crowd SimulationCo-simulation of vehicles and crowds for rescue trials
traffic congestionRecurrent and Non-recurrent Congestion Based Gridlock Detection on Chula-SSS Urban Road Network
traffic flow simulationControlling a real-world intersection with connected vehicle information provided by CAMs (Cooperative Awareness Messages)
traffic light controlReinforcement Learning Agent under Partial Observability for Traffic Light Control in Presence of Gridlocks
Traffic ManagementModelling green waves for emergency vehicles using connected traffic data
Investigation of the capacity of train stations in case of a large-scale emergency evacuation
traffic modellingLow-dimensional estimation and prediction framework for description of the oscillatory traffic dynamics
traffic signal co-ordinationRemarks on Traffic Signal Coordination
traffic signal optimizationRemarks on Traffic Signal Coordination
traffic simulationCoupling SUMO with a Motion Planning Framework for Automated Vehicles
Modelling green waves for emergency vehicles using connected traffic data
Co-simulation of the virtual vehicle in virtual traffic considering tactical driver decisions
Introducing Road Surface Conditions into a Microscopic Traffic Simulation
Remarks on Traffic Signal Coordination
DEMO - A Simulation Framework for Multi-modal Commuting and Parking Optimization.
Transition of controlFrom Automated to Manual - Modeling Control Transitions with SUMO
urban road networkRecurrent and Non-recurrent Congestion Based Gridlock Detection on Chula-SSS Urban Road Network
vehicle simulationCo-simulation of the virtual vehicle in virtual traffic considering tactical driver decisions
VehiclesAnticipating Automated Vehicle Presence and the Effects on Interactions with Conventional Traffic and Infrastructure
Vehicular CommunicationModelling green waves for emergency vehicles using connected traffic data
Velocity profile predictionLow-dimensional estimation and prediction framework for description of the oscillatory traffic dynamics