VPT 2013: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the papers presented at VPT 2013: First International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation held on July 12-13, 2013 in Saint Petersburg. The workshop was affiliated with the 25th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification CAV 2013.

The workshop aim was to bring together researchers working in two different areas, Verification and Program Transformation. Recent research in both fields has shown a great potential for mutually beneficial interactions. On the one hand the methods, techniques and tools developed in program transformations have been successfully applied for verification of programs, systems and protocols specified by programs. Partial evaluation, partial deduction, fold/unfold transformations, supercompilation and distillation have all been used for verification with a particular success in the verification of infinite-state and parameterized systems. In opposite direction, model checking, automated and interactive theorem proving, SAT- and SMT-based methods have been used to strengthen and optimize program transformations. Yet another area on the border of two fields, that is formal verification and certification of programs transformations tools, such as automated refactoring tools and compilers has attracted considerable interest, posed major challenges and yielded promising results. The workshop aim was to provide a forum where all these interactions could be presented and discussed.

There were 7 submissions, of which after receiving 15 reviews in total by Program Committee members, 5 was accepted as the full papers and 2 as the presentation only papers. Additionally five talks by the internationally renowned invited speakers were given.

We would like to thank all authors for their contributions, the members of the Program Committee for their excellent work during the reviewing, the invited speakers for their thought-provoking talks.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of

  • The Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 13-07-06028-r
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
  • EasyChair

Alexei Lisitsa and Andrei Nemytykh
July 9, 2013